
Fast Fall Turns

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Could anyone give a tip on how to fast fall and do in place turns?

I usually rely a lot on my arms to turn but struggle when I am fast falling as I then have them tucked in.

1) Wear more weight.
2) Use your legs.

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Could anyone give a tip on how to fast fall and do in place turns?

I usually rely a lot on my arms to turn but struggle when I am fast falling as I then have them tucked in.

1) Wear more weight.
2) Use your legs.


1) arch properly from the hip with your head high
2) Use your legs.

Best bet: get some coaching either in air, or in a tunnel. Fall rate control is the basis of most coaching. Its close to impossible to do this online.

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Could anyone give a tip on how to fast fall and do in place turns?

I usually rely a lot on my arms to turn but struggle when I am fast falling as I then have them tucked in.

Learn to turn with your legs (a key skill) but also learn to dress for success. If you are jumping with bigger, heavier people so that you will need to go faster... wear lead.

I don't know why people seem to view wearing weight as some kind of failure. It isn't. It's just nature in action...

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Could anyone give a tip on how to fast fall and do in place turns?

I usually rely a lot on my arms to turn but struggle when I am fast falling as I then have them tucked in.

How are they tucked?

Are the elbows pulled back and you are trying to arch harder?

Are the elbows folded in front of your chest more?

the second allows you have more range - but still, as noted the speed comes from the hips. Getting narrow helps, but you have to spill mor air. That doesn't mean arching harder (if you are in a boxman that results in a LITTLE bit of increase, but a sore back). It does mean get narrow, put on weights, sit your chest and chin high.

Weights are great, you are in a comfy position for mobility and range, and you have all this extra airspeed for making your manuvers.

Do a mantis tunnel camp with a very good coach.

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Thanks for the advice.

Went in the tunnel and worked on the mantis position for about half an hour. It feels very different to the boxman, a lot more controlled.

I’m pointing my elbows down into the wind now instead of just tucking my arms in. I’ve gained the speed without losing the ability to use my arms for maneuvers.

Once again, thanks.

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