xlh883 0 #1 June 10, 2007 Having no other way to contact others, I am making this request via this forum. I would like to do RW and have spent 3 separate days over the last two weeks at Skydive Orange doing solo jumps because I could not get anyone to do any RW with me even though there were several RW groups. Sad. I left there after one jump today frustrated and seeing again, what was happening. One lady asked me if I do RW and I responded that I was trying to if I could get someone to jump with. That seemed to end the conversation somehow. She was in a 4-way group. It is hard to ask and not feel like you are imposing on others. My progression is going to stop by doing all these solo jumps (8 in those three days.) If anyone is interested in teaching this new Skydiver, please let me know. Would love to be in an RW team and learn new things. If not, I will find another DZ to go to that is more friendly and doesn't ignore people. You would think someone would have noticed me leaving early with my rig in my back. Makes me feel like I am not a skydiver. David Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jumper03 0 #2 June 10, 2007 The first saturday of every month, we have Jump Club at Raeford. RW open to any and all comers - only thing it costs are your jumps, you need your A license and a promise to be safe. We mostly do 3, 4, 5 ways during the day and at the end of the day we do a big -way (okay - TRY to do a bigway). At least as big as we can get out of the PAC (12) or otter (22) if we are lucky. Also we try to video every jump too (helps the new vidiots You are more than welcome to come down! Next jump club is July and we'll have a special appearance by Ian Drennan doing basic and advanced canopy coaching. For those not in the class - we'll be doing some low stress RW jumps. S Scars remind us that the past is real Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JustChuteMeNow 0 #3 June 10, 2007 Quote It is hard to ask and not feel like you are imposing on others. David I can sense you are frustrated but you have to ask. It is certainly better to jump with others and I'm sure that there are many people at Orange that regularly help new jumpers but...... you have to ask otherwise most if not all of them are NOT mind readers. Many people do solo jumps for a variety of reasons and many of those jumpers not including you on their jumps probably think you are doing what you want to do. Just my two cents.Think of how stupid the average person is and realize that statistically half of them are stupider than that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GQ_jumper 4 #4 June 10, 2007 Anytime you're at a DZ where you don't know too many people there don't be afraid to just walk up and introduce yourself to a few people. I rarely if ever find people at a DZ that aren't willing to at least say hi and point me in the direction of someone to jump with. Sorry to hear you haven't been having a great experience recently, hopefully it turns around for you soon.History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid. --Dwight D. Eisenhower Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wildcard451 0 #5 June 10, 2007 Here's a hint.... Instead of bitching on the internet, walk up to manifest, or student manifest, and say.. "Hey, I'm trying to get in with some of the belly jumpers to have someone to jump with, do you know anyone putting some stuff together?" There isn't a single regular jumper there that is above jumping with new people....Well, there are one or two, but fuck those guys anyway. There are lots of regular jumpers there that have groups that they usually fly with. You'll find the same thing anywhere you go. You're gonna get back from this sport what you put into it. If you don't go up and introduce yourself to the belly people, or ask if anyone is putting stuff together, then, as someone else said, we're not mind readers, and if people have their days mapped out, they may not notice the new guy in the corner. If you've spent any time hanging around for more than just jumping (and it sounds like you haven't), you should know that we're a fairly loud bunch, so chiming in and looking for someone to jump with isn't gonna be frowned upon. You seem to have a fairly regular history of giving up when shit is a little challenging. If I remember correctly, weren't you whining about quitting the sport because you couldn't find a rigger in the area? I even checked my PMs to be sure, but I had talked with you a month or so and offered to jump with you if I could make it out there when you were there.....and I haven't heard a peep from you. So you can't be trying too hard, and I don't even belly fly regularly, but hell, I'll still jump with you. And finally, no, no one is going to notice you leaving early with a rig on your back. Everyone comes and goes as they please. The people that get noticed coming late and leaving early are the ones that have been around there for a while that everyone knows. Jump with us for a while, and when you take off early, someone will give you shit for not hanging around too. I'm sorry if this post comes across as harsh, but for the love of god man buck up and grow some hair on your chest. Introduce yourself to all the belly fliers you can. If everyone says "fuck off, we don't wanna jump with the FNG" then you can consider me wrong and tell us all to piss off. But I doubt that will happen. I really hope your next time out there I have pissed you off just enough to make you actually step up and stick your nose into our community. This "can't do, give up" shit won't get you very far. As I said before, I'd love to jump with ya if I see you out there. Hang around after sunset and we'll drink beer with you too. Just don't bring any of that cheap nasty almost clear piss water shit, cause that'll end up in the kickin' beer bucket. I think my rant is over. And I really do hope you come back out and jump with everyone there. Maybe even get a little FF action in. I just hate to see someone slamming my home for no good reason. Go out tomorrow and look for Dean. If he isn't putting stuff together then he might be able to put you with someone. If he's not there, like I said before, ask manifest. I can't do anymore to help you from here. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
monkycndo 0 #6 June 10, 2007 Brandon, you are getting soft in your old age. Tell him what you really think.50 donations so far. Give it a try. You know you want to spank it Jump an Infinity Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
philly51 0 #7 June 10, 2007 If you can get to Cross Keys in New Jersey, just ask manifest for an organizer. If you can't get there, ask anyone doing rw who to see about doing rw. Just be truthful about your experience level. Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, Shouting "...holy shit...what a ride!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dcgilbert 0 #8 June 11, 2007 Quote It is hard to ask and not feel like you are imposing on others. OK- first bit of advice- ASK. There is regular RW organizing going on for all levels. More details can be found here. They were organizing Sat. Having been at your jump numbers a few years back, I can assure you that these folks are willing to work with you. The signup days are supposed to be a bit more advanced and/or bigger way dives that may not be appropriate for lower experience levels, but the open days should be OK. Sat. was a bit different as some senior jumpers that had been at Orange for a while but have moved, been restationed, etc., for a few months were back to visit. There was also a coach rating course going on. So someone new could have gotten overlooked. But it sounds like Brandon already made you an offer. There are also also a few (6-8?) folks that got a license somewhat recently and are in the 50-100 jump range around. And most of the belly fliers I know there (including me) would jump with you. But just like you, we want to improve our skills as well. So there will be days with 8+ ways that we want to do those. But as you gain the skills, the organizers WILL get you into those when they feel it's safe and appropriate. Ultimately, it's your choice whether to return to Orange or go elsewhere. Dave Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xlh883 0 #9 June 11, 2007 Quote Quote It is hard to ask and not feel like you are imposing on others. OK- first bit of advice- ASK. There is regular RW organizing going on for all levels. More details can be found here. They were organizing Sat. Having been at your jump numbers a few years back, I can assure you that these folks are willing to work with you. The signup days are supposed to be a bit more advanced and/or bigger way dives that may not be appropriate for lower experience levels, but the open days should be OK. Sat. was a bit different as some senior jumpers that had been at Orange for a while but have moved, been restationed, etc., for a few months were back to visit. There was also a coach rating course going on. So someone new could have gotten overlooked. But it sounds like Brandon already made you an offer. There are also also a few (6-8?) folks that got a license somewhat recently and are in the 50-100 jump range around. And most of the belly fliers I know there (including me) would jump with you. But just like you, we want to improve our skills as well. So there will be days with 8+ ways that we want to do those. But as you gain the skills, the organizers WILL get you into those when they feel it's safe and appropriate. Ultimately, it's your choice whether to return to Orange or go elsewhere. Dave I thank you for the information. I wish I had known about the organized coaching but I hadn't seen that page on Orange's website. I may have over looked it. Rhonda at Mainfest didn't tell me of anything going on when I was leaving for the day Saturday. She just said she understood why was leaving. Anyway, I hadn't read any of the replies to this thread until today. Everyone is right that I need to step up and be more assertive and ask people. I overreacted to the situation. Saturday just wasn't my day to jump. My big thing is driving 110 miles each way and feel like I wasted a day. The one solo jump wasn't any fun. I should have stuck around. What I am trying to say here, it was my fault for not getting anyone to jump with me. I also had forgotten that Wildcard doesn't hold this against me. I apologize. Jumper03, thanks for the invite for the jump club. Reaford is one my places to visit list, specially with the Skyventure tunnel opening soon. The jump club sounds like fun and would be educational. Would make a weekend of it as you are 350 miles south of me. I will be going back to Orange next weekend. Hopefully things will be better. I like that DZ and want to stay there. David Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xlh883 0 #10 June 11, 2007 Wildcard, I apologize for forgetting that you sent me a message about jumping at Orange. Also, I did not mean to "bash" you home DZ I was frustrated and the internet is the wrong place to vent and I messed up. I was frustrated and hadn't thought things out enough. Anyway, I plan to go back this next weekend to include Friday night's water training. I will at least be there on Saturday and try to hang out late with the gang. I live 2.5 hours away so that is why I haven't stayed around yet. I imagine I could pitch a tent, but haven't talked to anyone about it yet. You didn't piss me off any more with your message. I purposely did something different yesterday (ride off-road motorcycle) to think about he situation and did not even receive the thread responses until today. I had already made up my mind to go back and be more assertive and ask people. No more solo skydiving! Unless there is a good reason. You got me on the rigger problem from before and I realize I way overreacted. I hope you can accept my public apology. I would like to jump with pretty much anyone. I don't think I am up to learning FF yet. I would prefer to get better at belly flying. Maybe I could try it in the Raeford tunnel some time. Anyway, I hope to meet you in person some time. I will be the guy with the mostly blue RW jump suit and blue and red Infinity rig. I wear glasses to. In fact, I don't think I look like a Skydiver. I would like Orange to be my home DZ also. David Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xlh883 0 #11 June 11, 2007 Quote If you can get to Cross Keys in New Jersey, just ask manifest for an organizer. If you can't get there, ask anyone doing rw who to see about doing rw. Just be truthful about your experience level. Thanks forth suggestion. New Jersey is little far for me right now. I live in Maryland and I have started a new job so no vacation for a year. Maybe I can get there some day in my Skydiving career. David Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xlh883 0 #12 June 11, 2007 Thanks for the info. I did not know about this organizing. Right now, I can't make it on the 23rd , but the 24th is possible for the next coaching. Is there an email list or something to that effect which I might join to contact others at Orange? That would help my situation out to. I will be more proactive about trying to get people to jump with. I really don't want my 100th jump to be a solo. It is coming soon. I want it to be something fun. David Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wildcard451 0 #13 June 11, 2007 Hey man, I will see you out there the 16-17th. We'll do something fucking stupid for your 100th. I don't have time to read all the replies, but I'm really just trying to get under your skin enough to make you get involved. I'll hopefully be out all weekend after about 3 on saturday after I get up there from work. A couple of us there have 150+ mile drives, so I know how you feel. Lookin forward to seeing ya. I'm in Red, black with the purple mirage. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dcgilbert 0 #14 June 11, 2007 Quote Hey man, I will see you out there the 16-17th. We'll do something fucking stupid for your 100th. Hey Brandon- how 'bout you take him for a CREW jump for his hundredth Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wildcard451 0 #15 June 12, 2007 Quote Quote Hey man, I will see you out there the 16-17th. We'll do something fucking stupid for your 100th. Hey Brandon- how 'bout you take him for a CREW jump for his hundredth Why not? I haven't had a wrap or chop in a while. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bkellog1 0 #16 June 13, 2007 Hey David! My name is Bryan Kellogg and ive started to go down to orange pretty much every weekend and most weekdays when they are jumping. I'm always looking for new people to jump with. Like others said, just ask. Most people at skydive orange with alot of experience will take time out of their day to jump with you. The people there are very friendly. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xlh883 0 #17 June 13, 2007 Hi Bryan. Hopefully we can meet up this weekend. I plan to be there NLT 0900 on Saturday. Will be there Friday evening for the water training to. Catch you then. David Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wildcard451 0 #18 June 14, 2007 Quote Hi Bryan. Hopefully we can meet up this weekend. I plan to be there NLT 0900 on Saturday. Will be there Friday evening for the water training to. Catch you then. David Cool. See you both there around noonish or after. Look for the silly looking bald fucker. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xlh883 0 #19 June 14, 2007 Quote Cool. See you both there around noonish or after. Look for the silly looking bald fucker. Ok, now you're scaring me! David Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
monkycndo 0 #20 June 15, 2007 Quote Look for the silly looking bald fucker. You fuck baldies. Thanks for the warning.50 donations so far. Give it a try. You know you want to spank it Jump an Infinity Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DanG 1 #21 June 21, 2007 Hi David, Brandon and Dave are right. People at Orange would be glad to jump with newer jumpers, we just have to know you exist. I offer free (really, truly free) coaching in RW on a casual basis for anyone, anytime. I prefer to do one-on-ones to get started. Once you get proficient and want to move on, there is more structured group organizing available as Dave mentioned, or you can just start having fun with people you meet as you hang out more. Pitching a tent is free and always welcome. Orange is legendary for after-hours fun. Hanging out after dark is a great way to meet people. This weekend should be great with a Mardi Gras theme and FF coaching from Amy C. And for God's sake, buy your beer. Do that and people will warm up to you right away. I'm on the ground right now because of equipment problems, but I should be up and running again in a couple weeks. I'm easy to find, look for the guy with the mean right hook, or just ask at manifest. See you soon, Dan G President, Skydive Orange, Inc. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites