
Brit Women's teams

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Remster, I don't really know to be honest. I guess so since he has dual-Nationality but then the 3-year rule would apply again . He's sat next to me on the couch not looking too impressed with the weather so I doubt he's very motivated to do that !;)
It's now certain that the meet will roll-over to next weekend. Right now we're the only team to have done rnd 4 so it looks like 2 of the 5 jumps we've done will be scratched due to the re-draw(s!)....bummer:( Looks set to be an exciting race between Storm and Elan though...good luck to everyone next weekend....

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If I understand right, because of bad weather the current scores will be thrown out and there will be a new draw next weekend?

What happens if the weather next weekend is still bad? Will they go back to the original 3 rounds that were done or is there yet another weekend set aside?

Anyway, looking at least at those scores, Storm is ahead of Elan by 3. Both teams busted (Elan in rd. 1 and Storm in rd.2).

Interesting race for sure!

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I believe the scores for the 3 completed rounds will stand, all the remaining formations will be put back in the hat and re-drawn next Friday night for rounds 4 onwards. It looks to be a great fight if the sun finally makes an appearance. It's a very unique situation here with 2 very talented, focussed teams battling it out. Unfortunately Thomas and Niklas have whussed out of the cold weather ( I don't blame them !) so we will not be able to complete, but we're very happy, averaged 23.6 over the 5 rnds. we got to jump, even though 2 of them will not stand due to re-draw/incomplete rounds. Those 2 training jumps must have paid off;)

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Oooohhhhh.....I get it. Thanks so much for the clarification. But, if the weather is still bad next weekend, will the compeition stop at the 3 rounds or is there a third weekend set aside for such things?

I guess you didn't want to be overprepared with more than 2 training jumps! Looks like they did indeed pay off! Nice work!

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Oooohhhhh.....I get it. Thanks so much for the clarification. But, if the weather is still bad next weekend, will the compeition stop at the 3 rounds or is there a third weekend set aside for such things?

Yes, but then it pushes back the 8-way and artistics competitions. This happened a couple of years ago and quite a few people got upset about it so the rules regarding this were rewritten. Get this:



Should weekend 1 4 way FS not be complete, all incomplete rounds will be completed on weekend 2. Weekend 2 will start with rounds of 4 way FS first until 8 rounds have been completed to allow a meet to be called if needed. During “On year” selection, after the 6th round is complete the Open and or Female teams in first place in their category will continue to jump 4 FS 4 way rounds as a priority over junior / A / AA and all FS 8 way in order to achieve completion of as many rounds as possible up to ten rounds for funding criteria scoring. Once 8 rounds of FS 4 way are complete in all categories, 8 way FS will start. The semi-finals and finals of the 4 way will then be

completed once judging, manifest and meet director see fit. FS 4 and FS 8 will not run together in order to avoid catch up situations arising. However if none of the team members conflict this may occur. During periods of non event activity, teams will be stood down for the duration of the other event rounds and be subject to a 1 hour notice of change in event between jumps. 1 hour notice of event change can occur an hour prior to the end of the other event but must allow competitors entered in both categories to have 1 hour on the ground at the DZ between events. At the end of weekend 2, the FS 4 way meet will be called with results based upon the completed rounds.

Teams who are not present for any round will be called as scheduled for that round and failure to attend will result in a nil score for that round only.


Should weekend 2 FS 8 way not be complete, all incomplete rounds will be completed on weekend 3. At the end of weekend 3, the FS 8 way meet will be called with results based upon the completed rounds. Teams who are not present for any round will be called as scheduled for that round and failure to attend will result in a nil score for that round only.


In the event of the competition event not being completed, a re-draw will be carried out on the Friday evening (date / time as per the admin instruction) on that next weekend as follows:

FS Junior / A / AA– All unused formations first and, if more rounds are required, then all formations will be used again to generate only the remaining rounds required.

FS Senior – unused formations only will be used for a re-draw to generate the number of rounds required.

At the moment, the forecast is looking good, so fingers crossed!
Skydiving Fatalities - Cease not to learn 'til thou cease to live

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We aren't talking about ditch digging here. Or even who can hit a golf ball farther.

Nup we are not. Still, pull out the guest teams, and quite possibly the two best teams in the country are all female.

It's a UK perspective with all kind of ramifications. [And we kind of love it.]


ps go girls!

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The weather was great, the first three rounds' scores stood (after the first redraw), and Storm took the gold (then teamed up with Aardvark Zulu to take silver in the 8-way as Stormy Aardvark).

"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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so it will likely come down to the team that has the better mental preparation which is a direct reflection of coaching

AFAIK Storm is a professional team with members being paid salaries. I heard they did 900 jumps this year while Elan made 350 - isn't it also a numbers game? Good on them and everyone who goes for it with all the resources they can, great results for the ladies. Bodes well for Brit skydiving.

edited by request

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so it will likely come down to the team that has the better mental preparation which is a direct reflection of coaching

AFAIK Storm is a professional team with members being paid salaries of $50,000 each. I heard they did 900 jumps this year while Elan made 350 - isn't it also a numbers game? Good on them and everyone who goes for it with all the resources they can, great results for the ladies. Bodes well for Brit skydiving.

Hummm....wasn't aware of that above fact. I'm surprised that Elan didn't have more sponsorship money being that they were the current world and national champions. Weren't they sponsored by the big wind tunnel in the UK?

I'm sure they got a good deal on coaching since the coach is married to one of the members.

Yes, jump numbers will likely play a role as well as mental preparation. I thought the two teams would have been a little closer in average because of Elan's experience going into the season.

I was correct in that Storm edged out Elan, but it may be more than just the coaching but jump numbers too. I still believe that the coaching had a lot to do with it.

Where did storm get their sponsorship? That seems like a pretty sweet deal. good for them and congrats to both teams.

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Just to put the record straight we actually managed just under 700 jumps since February although we didn't actually go full time until May.

Yes we are very fortunate to be paid a wage, and in return we are working to increase the profile of a number of women's and children's charities in association with our sponsor. We are just about to start work on a number of projects which will keep us busy in-between training camps.

It is a skydivers dream come true and we realise how very lucky we are and are making the most of the opportunity!

To win the Nationals with a team that has increased it's average from last years 13.2(AA) to 18.1(AAA) this year is fantastic! A true testimony to Dan BC's plan not to mention the help we got from Perris Fury!!

A big thanks to everyone who wished us luck and supported us....looking forward to France next year :)
Sparky.......still feeling rather broken from the last 2 days of partying :S

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Thanks for the clarification, Sparky and a hearty congrats to your team!

I think your post made my point even more in that Dan BC is a great coach and took a relatively inexperienced team with great flying potential and made you all a TEAM. That's what it is in the end. Dan BC always said (I think it was him, at least) that there are lots of skydivers out there that have equal or better individual skills than any Airspeed member but what separated Airspeed was that they were a parts of a machine working together seamlessly and without that, chances of realising full potential are limited.

Will Elan be going to France in the women's category then?

What a great thing for the UK to have two women's teams representing the country in both categories.

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For everything... The tunnel coaching; the support in Perris; the advice; the never say say die attitude; the "I will be calm" whatever is going on; the taking huge risks on the basis of only opportunity and self belief; the never letting it go; the complete changing of the UK FS scene - girls rock!; for being a guide; for knocking me back with "get yourself sorted".

For being capable and willing. For simply being terrific.


Thank you.


PS Mr J, if it fits wear it.

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Hi Dru

Thanks for those very kind words! Just to say you guys were a pleasure to help and it was great to see you progress this year. Am sorry to hear that you guys are taking a break next year especially after being together for so long....best of luck in Oz and keep in touch!!


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