
AZ Nationals Redux

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Two years ago, I posted criticism of the numerous major problems with the way Skydive Arizona ran the 2006 Nationals. I would be remiss if I failed to acknowledge the changes they made this year.

The most serious problem last time, in my opinion, was the decision to put out four 4-way teams per pass. That resulted in safety hazards and and an unfair, unlevel playing field. This year, instead of the traditional 4 teams per plane, 2 teams per pass, they went with 3 teams per plane. This vastly improved the spotting problems, so everyone could make it back. And thanks, guys, for the light loads!

Another major mistake in 2006 was the failure to provide award ceremonies after each RW event. They corrected this and did a great job with the 4-way ceremony, which was the only one I was around for. This is one of the most crucial elements of Nationals. I was delighted to be able to to cheer for my erstwhile colleagues, especially the kids on Fury, whose years of hard work finally paid off when they defeated the Golden Knights with a spectacular round 10 to take a well-deserved silver medal. Great job, guys!

The registration fees were the same as last time, but the drop zone reduced the jump prices at the last minute to reflect recent changes in fuel costs. That did not go unnoticed.

In short, kudos to Larry Hill, Brian Burke, and the scores of other people who worked their tails off to put on a great meet. Thanks for listening!

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Kudos on a great event. A big thank you to the people who are the backbone and force behind making this entire event happen and run as smoothly as it did: Betsy Barnhouse, Amy C, the manifest crew, the SDA staff and last but not least the pilots. Great job guys.:)

"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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I thought it was very smooth as well....and the 3 teams per plane was nice as well. They did this in 2001 as well and I was surprised to see happen again. My only issue was the occasional backup w/ the video. At times, the line got pretty long. I went and packed and came back and just waited. It really wasn't that bad. All it all (for me) it was just another great experience!
my pics & stuff!

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