
Remote Coaching Test/Free Coaching for Test Teams

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Perris Fury is developing a system that provides ‘remote coaching’ to 4-way teams that are not local to Perris. Before we can offer the program officially we would like to test it out a few times to make sure the bugs are worked out and it is a worthwhile experience.

If you have a 4-way (or 8-way!) team that has been jumping somewhat recently, video of those jumps, computer with audio (and possibly video), a reasonable internet connection, and a few extra hours give us a shout at frikkenc@yahoo.com


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Yes, that is what we have in mind, but need to test it and see what the results look like. I've done it once with a 4-way team in Canada and it worked really well.

I'm answering for Christy, because she is probably flying back from visiting her family.

Chris Farina
Perris Fury

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