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elightle 8
Team doing very well after 14 training jumps, 2 hours of tunnel, and nailing the E exit! Averaged a 7 on last 2 training jumps.
elightleTeam doing very well after 14 training jumps, 2 hours of tunnel, and nailing the E exit! Averaged a 7 on last 2 training jumps.
Nice Ed and all!

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!
So, start being safe, first!!!
elightle 8
Thanks, Matt! We're another 1-year team but we're going to see how much we can improve in just 4 short months.
elightle 8
Update on Team:
Defunct as of June 8.
"Irreconcilable Differences" with a teammate. (Sounds like grounds for divorce, huh. )
Lesson Learned:
If you have serious doubts up front about any candidates (for whatever reason), don't be desperate and select them.
Will I Try Again?:
In a year or two maybe.
Remster 30
That sucks, Ed... Team dynamic is, I think, the most complicated thing in 4 and 8 way...
Well, as Dan BC has oft said; Team dynamics are fluid! (or something like that)
I am sure you will get the Team you want!
I am sure you will get the Team you want!
An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!
So, start being safe, first!!!
elightle 8
Thanks, Matt Cline. Might take a year or two but it will happen. We haven't stopped doing 4-way though. Helaine Rumaner has jumped with us a couple weekends and that has been great. We turned 22 points (from 12 grand, of course) with Helaine. Not bad for casual 4-way though! :)
Team doing well after only 12 training jumps! Doing a tunnel trip in 2 weeks. Now if we can just get that E exit down.
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