
PC 5 fire wire problems

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I have recently bought a UK pal version of the PC5, I have only just learnt that the fire wire function is one way and once I have edited the footage on my Mac I am unable to record it back onto tape using the camera. Has anyone else come up against this I know it's not the case on NTSC versions. Can I override it on the PAL version. I look forward to any help.

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I'm just using imac movie for now which is a simple inexpensive piece of software but very easy and perfectly good enough for putting music, fades and titles to clips. A package arrived for me in the post this morning it is a widget which I plug into the lanc socket of my PC 5 and once I press the button it sends a signal to the Camera enabling the DV in.It cost me about $100 but it has solved the problem and its cheaper than me buying an NTSC camera. It seems that us brits are being screwed by regulatory bodies again there is obviously no technical reason why my camera could not have been supplied enabled in the first place. Anyway if any other brits or PAL users out there are experiencing the same problems drop me a line jnash@easynet.co.uk and I will put you in touch with the solution.

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Hey man.. you can thank your country's strict laws on that one. The PAL version was designed that way due to some UK "copyright" laws or something. I read about it in an issue of T3 or some other tech magazine. No way around it that I know of, that was how the UK version was designed.

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These, and other sites you can find by searching, discuss how to "re-program" your camera to accept dv-in through your fire-wire. I have no need (unless someone finds out how to switch a camera from NTSC to PAL and back) so I haven't done it myself, and don't know the specifics, but apparently it can be done. From what I understand, concerns about copyright protection prompted regulations on PAL cameras to disable the dv-in feature.

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