
"Packing Made Simple" DVD?

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I was just wondering if anyone has seen this video by Matt Davies. I know how to flat pack, and I would like to have a good visual reference for when I'm not at the DZ. Obviously, I'll look to my instructors for pro-packing instruction before any jumping of my own packjob takes place.

His price ($19.95 + shipping) is really great, and it looks to be pretty informative.


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I'm not sure what video I started the afternoon with, but I spent about four hours today wrestling with a slippery canopy, The video did help, but hands on, over and over, really made what I was doing sink in.


Start with the older, broken-in canopies. Work your way up to those new biatches. I'm reluctant to buy anything with <200 jumps - I don't want to torture myself even if I CAN bag it.

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And what about "Pack Like a Pro"???

Honestly, I thought about buying that one, but based on the reviews in the gear section, I decided to get "Packing Made Simple" instead.

I think it'll be a bit more informative than "Pack Like A Pro" - 3 different methods of packing (pro, flat, and psycho), and 3D graphical representations of an RSL, the 3-ring system, and canopy components.

I'm starting to sound like a salesman/troll, so I'll shut up now.;)

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I bought the DVD on the advice of one of my instructors. It's a good DVD and makes things pretty clear. I haven't watched any others so I can't compare. Definitely worth the money though.

I'm a newb too so keep that in mind. ; )

I've always had "Pack Like A Pro" and "Trouble Free Zero-P", both good vids. PMS sets a new standard here, I think. The psycho and alternative PRO pack methods aren't included in the others and the computer animated RSL, reserve and 3-ring demos are great for beginners. Very well done, up to date and easy to watch and understand.....not as "dry" as most. Were I an instructor, I'd likely require my students to view it, before any hands-on instruction. I've been packing for quite a while and I learned a few tips, that made life easier.....maybe even, extended it a bit. :)
"T'was ever thus."

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Has there been any new videos/DVDs that surpass "Packing Made Simple"?

The snow is melting and skydiving season is soon coming ... and I want to learn how to pack my chute B|.

Any other recommendations or should I just go for PMS DVD?

Have you seen the free ones from PD. That's a good place to start.

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Damn, this is an old thread!

I don't know if there have been any other packing vids...

*cough*** HelloBrianGermain,IamstillwaitingtoseeyourNoSweatPackingvideo...**cough** ;)

As far as PMS, I can tell you that it helped me tremendously, if for no other reason, it was instrumental in making the actual construction and layout of a canopy perfectly clear to me. (I was still on student status when I ordered my copy.)

Your dropzone may have different procedures when it comes to packing, so pay close attention to what your instructors do and teach. Because (later on) packing becomes something that is somewhat personal, you're never going to find two people who do it exactly the same way, and every manufacturer has a recommended method for every canopy they've ever made/will make.

Rigger's tip: It is a VERY good idea to find and thoroughly read the manual for the main you are going to be packing AND jumping. (I'd venture a guess that there are a lot of jumpers out there who are not even aware that a manual for their main even exists.)


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*cough*** HelloBrianGermain,IamstillwaitingtoseeyourNoSweatPackingvideo...**cough**

lmao! I was wondering for quite a while when Brian Germain's packing video was coming. Guess its in development hell?

Thanks for the advices!
I was a little worried because it seemed that it was only about 45 minute DVD.


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