
Side Mounted Cameras - moved from S&T

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I wasn't sure if this should have been posted on this forum, or the P/V one, but...
I would like to get a camera and start jumping with it soon (not an immediate concern, but when the $$ allows). I have heard from some c-flyers that with side mounts they turn their heads slightly on deployment to avoid getting a riser strike taking their helment.
would anyone here recommend mounting it on top first (say it was a PC-5) - until one gets used to flying with the camera - or should you opt for the security of the side mount and learn to turn your head??
Any suggestions??
Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
NZPF A - 2584

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Hey Pyke,
I am by no means a pro camera flyer. I only have about 70 camera jumps. But I have learned that a slight turn of your head is a good habit to get into. My first couple of jumps I felt the risers and started turning my head a little cured that problem. Last week I joined a 10 way, everything went great, I turned and tracked away,through out my pilot chute and thought my head was being removed from my body.(Not a good feeling)The first thing I did was to make sure my head and helmet were still there.I have a X-jacket, witch stick out quite a bit.Anyway I got on the ground, and the X-jacket and my camera were about to fall off my helmet. I am going to try an L-bracket. The more experenced camera jumpers tell me that that half inch makes a world of difference.
Just my 2 cents,
Blue Skies and play safe!

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I have just ordered my first camera effort Sidewinder 2/ PC-5 or maybe the new 9.
Would any one know if cam-eye switchs are common with this application.
Also with RW being my main subject ...is different lenses easy to use with the Sidewinder!
Dump & Flair

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