
PC110 for cheap?

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I'd say look at the retailer and see how they rank in Customer service. If its mainly bad reviews don't give them any of your money. I just bought a PC110 for 1300 and could have got it cheaper but i went with a half way legit company. Watch getting stuff from NYC off the net. Lots of scams go on in those shops. But there a few good ones too there.
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There are a few(understatement) shady operators out there that bring Sony cameras made for foreign markets back into the US and sell them on the 'gray market'.. Those cameras have no warranty(the paperwork may say they do, but according to Sony they don't), and many come with very limited accessories, if any.. Looks like you just found one of those dealers.. Please post the name, location, and website of the dealer so that the rest of us know NOT to deal with said company..
I use a couple local shops, and for the larger purchases normally http://www.cameraworld.com in Portland and http://www.bhphotovideo.com in NYC.. There are many other reputable mail order companies, and you will find the prices are pretty consistent among them..

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Actually, the gray market comes from the dealers that 'piggy back' an order with an authorized Sony retailer. When you're an "Authorized" Sony dealer, you have to play by Sony's rules, and set your prices where Sony tells you to set them (that whole percieved value BS) So these gray market guys charge whatever they want, because Sony can't tell them what to do. Most of the time you'll have no problem ordering from one of these places. Many of them seem to be in NY, and with most you'll get a hard sales pitch about accessories, extended warrenty, whatever. I highly suggest you check out
http://www.resellerratings.com/ before buying from one of those places. After some research, I bought my PC-110 from dbuys.com (out of New York) - I got a brand new camera with all the stuff just like I would have from any place else, and saved about $700 in the process. YMMV
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