
D-Box for PC110

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Do any of you out there have one of these?
I saw one in a gear store and from what I recall, they were really much more boxy that other PC style d-boxes. Do you agree?
For any of you who are using one of these, how are they, are they really big on a helmet?

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They are deffinitaly larger then any other PC series dbox. I've got less then a dozen jumps on my 110 but it was a tight fit to get the snag points reduced to as few as possible. Even with Gaffers tape putting a 110 dbox on the side of a mindwarp left a 1/4 inch gap at the rear that is covered with tape now.
Actually, the box is better designed because it is basicly one mountable piece. You can't lose half the box like some of the earlier boxes could.
I'm not sure what to put here right now.....

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I have been jumping the PC-110 with the bonehead box for about 150 jumps now and love it. It completly contains the camera except for a hole in the back to use the viewfinder and operate the camera. I have a rather large .45 wide angle and it covers that completly. It seems like if your wide angle was small you would have to trim off some of the front in order to prevent it showing up on video. You will also have to cut a hole to accept a cam-eye or whatever they are called. Do you already have your camera or a helmet that you were planning on using?
michael hunt (yes, that is my real name...and i've heard them all)

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Also does completely protect a small wide angle lens?


Does it fit with a cam eye ll plug sticking out of the front?

I got the plug for my cam eye to fit inside the box with the camera. I had to shave some plastic off the plug for it to fit, but it works.
If you have any quesation about it or how I did it, let me know.
And if you have someone near you who has mounted one before, recruit their help. Ask Phree, it makes things so much easier ;)
I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine, in a bag

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