
Videowave 5 vs. Final cut Pro

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I currently use videowave 4 and am considering upgrading to version 5 or switching to Final Cut Pro. Does anyone have any reccomendations? How intuitive is FCP for a new user, I've seen some work done with it and was impressed. Worried about how long it would take to learn a new program vs. upgrading videowave. Looking for better audio support (mp3) and editing. Thanks in advance.
If your not on the edge, you can't enjoy the view!

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First off let me say that I know nothing about videowave. Is that a windows program?
Final Cut Pro is, as far as I know, Mac ONLY. So, if videowave is a windows program, to switch over to FCP you'll be ditching your computer as well.
Ok, all that out of the way.
I have FCP 2 running on both an older iMac and a newer iBook. In my opinion, it's just about right for skydiving videos, but then again, MOST skydiving videos could also be done using the bundled iMovie. FCP is just a bit more elegant in it's list management. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, then stick with iMovie.)
FCP is -basically- the same as a lower end AVID. You log pretty much the same way, input video pretty much the same way and edit . . . pretty much the same way. The only real difference between an AVID and FCP is the price and the render times. However, the render times can be overcome by throwing more hardware at the Mac. The FCP 3 running on a dual processor tower Mac can do real time effects -- dissolves and stuff like that. The more power and speed, the more real time effects become available.
FCP is pretty easy to learn IF you're already familiar with non-linear editing. If you're a total novice, then the learning curve is going to be quite a bit steeper -- especially when it comes to doing things like titles & keys. iMovie doesn't have very good tools for titles and keys are non-existant, so if that's required, you will need to step up to FCP.
You could make "The Blair Witch Project" on iMovie.
You could make almost anything with Final Cut Pro.
Final Cut Pro even supports HDTV. I know of no other consumer program that does that!

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I use Mediastudio pro ver 6 and love it.
If you buy this through a Australian software dealer it would be alot cheaper than a US dealer for the exchange rate.
Question : what is HDTV ????
Freemind, freesky, freebeer, freefly, freesex

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Question : what is HDTV ????

High Definition Television
In the U.S., that -could- mean any one of about 20 different standards of pixel resolutions and compressions, but generally speaking at least a 16:9 screen ratio and noticably higher resolution than NTSC. In some instances, MUCH higher resolution. Much of Star Wars Episode One The Phantom Menace was shot and posted in HDTV on an AVID.
LucasFilm has access to the coolest stuff coming out of Sony WAY before just about anybody else.

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