
SLR prism or mirror

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Uh, you've got me confused.
On a normal SLR the light enters the lens and is bounced off a mirror that sits at a 45 degree angle to the film. The light then goes through a penta-prism and out the viewfinder toward the photographer's eye.
When you press the shutter release, the mirror swings up and out of the way and the light then goes toward the shutter, which opens and closes exposing the film.
The mirror and the penta-prisim -should- have no effect on the image recorded on the film.
What the heck are -you- talking about?

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Im ,obviously, new to cameras. Except throw-aways. I was reading a photo-site review. The reviewer said he preferred the heavier all glass prism because of the brighter, larger image in the viewfinder and often times better pictures. I was confused. I assume the better results were coming from a better viewfinder image to compose.

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