
JVC Camcorder

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I have jumped several different JVC models and there are several other people at my drop zone with them. I have never seen them have a problem with opening shock. That being said, the next camera I buy will be a Sony. Not because they work any better but because most things are standardized to Sony. Example: the cam eye will not work with a JVC.

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From what I've heard from many camera fliers, the JVC's don't hold up as well as the Sony's to all the stresses skydiving puts on a camera. Less flutter with a Sony too. Spend the extra now and avoid having to spend the extra later...
pull and flare,
What would Scooby Doo?

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I bought a JVC GR-DVM80U and I hate it.... I have never had a problem with hard openings (it stumbled a little when i had the hard opening that put me out for a few weeks) but other than that it was great. The video quality is good too, but the problem is lack of skydiving gear for it. I like the sony because you can get a D-Box from bonehead, or a X-Jacket- you can also get the Cam-Eye 2 (totally kicks tail). I just got a PC-9 a few weeks ago and love it. I have it top mounted on a bonehead mindwarp with a D-Box and the cam-eye2. It is so much better than the JVC and worth every penny. Hope this helps! Please don't make the mistake I did and blow $1000 on a crappy camera!

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I have a JVC GR DV1, it is what the earliest freeflyers where using. In its day it was the best thing out there. I got one for $450 off Ebay to see if I would like flying camera. Now over 200 jumps later it works just as good as the day I got it. Next to the sony however the difference in image quality is noticable. Plus with the JVC I have the thing covered with gaffers tape. Go with a Sony if you are serious about flying camera.

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I really don't know anyone who is satisfied with his JVC. Sony seems to rule the market. I have a PC 100 and PC 5 and I'm more than happy with them. They work as I expect them to do.
Blues Marcus
Perfect speed, my son, is being there. - Jonathan Livingston Seagull

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I was in the same boat. I was questioning JVC or Sony. I agree with the others. Sony has a lot more options avail. The big thing is the Cam-Eye button. I purchased a JVC GR-DV310. It's a good camera. Not top of the line for JVC, but it works great. A big improvement from the HI-8 that I was jumping. However, if you've got the money, go for the Sony. I even went as far as to contact the makers of the Cam-Eye to see if they had even thought about producing anything to support JVC. They said no. So the best that you could do is a powered LED indicator.

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