
Which side to mount on?

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I'm spending the time toying with the idea of making my own camera helmet, and I was wondering if there is any reason why most side mounts are done on the left side? My camera would fit best and work easier on the right, but every picture i've seen has cameras mounted on the left. Is there a logical reason behind this prectice, other than the fact that some helmets have audibles on the right side making it impossible to side mount a camera on that side. Thanks for your help.

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World records in Thailand, from memory Henny was jumping:-
Two digital videos
Medium format stills
35 mm stills
16 mm film
A brave man with a very strong neck, an excellent camera flyer, he was the camera team captain and an awsome, fun guy to work with. They were mostly controlled by switches which he wore on his left hand, and there was cheek and blow switch built into the helmet for the stills/ 16mm, but I'm not exactly sure about what switches did what.
Here is is his homepage.

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I mounted my PC5 on the right side. It just felt more comfortable for me that way. I just moved the dytters over to the left side. However, I wished I had mounted it on the left for battery reasons. The little PC5 1 hour batteries are crap. They last maybe 30mins if your lucky. Now it means I can't jump the camera with a bigger battery (unless I want to cut a hole in my helmet and have the battery sticking in my head). And I made a beautiful permanent custom moulded camera mount on the right side which I can't now move. Bletch. Mount it on the left for battery and screen facility.

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