
PC1, PC5, PC9, PC110, PC115, PC120...?

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AggieDave made fun of me for not having a video camera on the weekend. I think it's time I broke down and picked one up.
I've just spend the last hour browsing sonystyle.com, bizrate.com, and abuncha other sites... I'm even more confused then before.
I've seen the PC1, PC5, PC9, PC110, and PC120. They all seem to be in the pricerange I was looking at.
I REALLY don't understand the difference in features - largely because I've never really seen a site that puts them up side by side and compares them.
Is it true the bigger numbers are "better"? what does "better" mean? more features? which features? I understand there's a size difference. Does this play a role in riser strikes?
In short, I'm asking that perenial question, which one should I buy, dammit?
For example, looking here, the pc5, pc9, and pc110 are all identical! What's a guy to do?
PC connectivity is important, so is digital stills and UV night shots. I think. What else should I consider?
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I was really hot for a PC-9 and then heard about the PC-101 that's going to be coming out. I guess it's the same small size as the PC-9 but has megapixel resolution. So I'm going to sit tight until they come out and then either get one or maybe a PC-9 since the prices on those should go down.
"Zero Tolerance: the politically correct term for zero thought, zero common sense."

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I'll be back.......
J/K :D
If you are worried about riser strikes you may consider one of the TRVs with a top mount. if you can figure out their product line, they have the same features as the PC series, but....they have a bigger aperture...which means more light.
If you put one on top of a mind warp or Optic or a hawkeye it will be fairly low profile too.
Look at everyones camera on the dZ (big ass fuckers and PC5s talk to them about camera position and quality. Eventually you will hone in on what is best for you. For me it was a little PC5 side mount with a .5 wide angle lens.
good luck
My PC5 gets mild slaps every once in a while and it starts to worry me. Of course I freefly with my chest strap tight. The risers spread out a lot more whne I am belly flying or hop n pop' n and it doesn't seem to slap (mild hit because I always expect it) my camera then.

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I've seen the PC1, PC5, PC9, PC110, and PC120. They all seem to be in the pricerange I was looking at.

PC9 compared to PC5 has a memorystick, so you can get videograbs and some videoclips through USB to the computer. At the moment I don't have a computer good enough for video capture and I'm using this feature to get some videos and photos out of the camera after the weekend. Not a good quality but at least something for fellow skydivers to watch.
You can see them at http://www.tumbleweeds.ee
Select fotovideo from the menu.
I don't have the manual here at the moment, but if I remember correctly the PC5 does not have DV-in recording.
I don't know about the PC110 and etc. they were outside of my budget when I bought mine. Also the PC1 was so old model that they didn't sell it anymore.
I bought the PC9 because of couple of more features and a very small difference in price compared to PC5.

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I would say you first need to decide whether you want to have a top mount or side mount camera. Do you have a helmet already onto which you're planning to mount the camera? If so...the decision may have already been made.

There are pros & cons to each:
-top mount: less chance of a risers strike or line snag than a side mount however if you're planning to fly on your head with it then the top mount could act as a bit of a rudder and steer you around.
-side mount: the weight of the camera is lower down and closer to your shoulders than with a top mount setup so that if you have a hard opening there's less force cranking down on your neck.
Making the decision of top mount vs. bottom mount will just about cut the field of possible cameras in half. All I really know are Sony's since I and most other camera flyers use them however some folks are using other brands of cameras with good results.
If you decide to go with a side mount setup then the Sony PC series should work well. The PC-1, PC-5, and PC-9 are all basically different versions of the same camera with the 1 being the oldest and the 9 being the newest with the most features. They all have the basic functionality needed to record video and transfer video to other cameras. I have a PC-9 and the functionality it has that the 5 doesn't (that I'm aware of) are: the memory stick on which you can record still pics or mpeg video up to 30 sec. (I rarely use this), the USB port (I never use this), and an improved battery (I definitely like this!). There could be other features but these are the biggies that I'm aware of.
The PC-100 and 110 are a similar line of cameras (which you would also side mount) however they're bigger than the PC-1,5 & 9 and use a different focusing mechanism. I know folks who jump with these and have enjoyed good results. The only complaint I've heard about them is that the focusing mechanism can get thrown off by opening shock and you have to turn the camera off and back on to reset it. Not good if you enjoy getting video under canopy. I personally went with the PC-9 instead of a 110 because of it's smaller size and the focusing mechanism issue. I'm sure someone with a 110 will probably post saying they never have issues with the focusing mechanism so if you're interested in that camera then I would recommend you find someone who flies with one and ask them.
If you decide to go for a top mount then the TRV line should work well. Many RW camera flyers use these so if you have questions about them I would recommend you find someone with a top mount. Chances are they're using a TRV model. Again there are different models in the TRV series but, unfortunately, I don't know the differences between the models.
Good luck with your decision and don't be frustrated at how many questions you have about cameras and how many choices there are. As a dedicated gear hound I choose to enjoy the investigation phase of looking into any new toy despite how overwhelming it can seem at times. Just consider them all POSSIBLE new toys. Eventually you'll have to settle on just one! :)Blues,

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They aren't shipping the PC 110 anymore. I've been putting my camera helmet together for a while, and I got my Hawkeye LT first, bite switch, cameye, D-box, and then went to buy my 110 when I had the money. I freaked when just about nobody had one and I already got the D-box. The 110 is being replaced with the 120. If I had to do it over, I would have gotten my camera first, and then the rest of the gear. I also would have gotten a 9. Another thing, try to try on whatever helmet your'e going to get with a camera hanging on it. I love my aviator freefly helmet, and my hawkeye is real comfortable, but when I hung my 110 on the side, it really pulled the helmet down on that side. I spent an afternoon cutting up a pair of foam kneepads, covering them with fabric and backing up the earpads in order to get the helmet to be secure on my face. Got plain old jiggy with the hot glue gun. The side hinge thingie on the Boneheads makes a lot more sense to me now. If the helmet is secure on your head it is hard to get it down over the ears. Good luck

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