
What would you do?

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A cameraflyer blows a tandem video because he didn't set his video camera to the proper apeture and the whole video was whited out after the exit. The stills came out fine. The tandem passenger was informed they would only be charged the"cost" of the camera jump. What would you have done?

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i would have proposed doing another tandem jump, with video, and stills at the videot's expense, simple enough. when you hire a service, and they do not perform it, this can certainly cause any "reasonable" dzo to acknowledge you request, and comply with your request.
"Gravity Is My Friend"

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Video or stills costs 59 bucks where i work, vid and stills costs 21 more. If I blow the vid, or the stills, then they get their 21 bucks back. If I blow both, or they only get one and I blow it, then I eat the jump. Why should they have to pay for my skydive when I fucked up? Can't charge someone for a product they don't get. If I take pics of your wedding, and they don't turn out, are you going to pay for my film and time when u get nothing?
sure hope not
Cost of doing business

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Give the stills away for free and eat the cost of the jump myself. Shit happens sometimes... Its hard to admit it but some times there are things that completly get overlooked on accident like the apeture.
I've turned my video camera on in freefall, forgot and left if zoomed in from in plane footage, forgot to turn the camera on completly, blown all sorts of shots, and done so many things worng that its amazing that my fun videos have been even close to being viewable... I'm yet to do a tandem video for money so it has'nt ran into a problem like this yet for me. Jumping a camera is a lot more then just straping something to your head, pressing record and leaving a plane.
There is nothing that can replace that first jump and the expressions that are on the students face, the best you can do is be professional about it and give the student the best product you can if its not up to par, be prepared to explain the situation and deal with it. If your not ready to deal with it, you might not be ready to accept money for videos.
Here is a different question... What whould you do if you are filming a tandem/student video and you realize you are filing some sort of mal like a horseshoe, freefall mal, jumper in tow on a SL, etc. Do you give the video to the student and hope the video never gets mailed to RealTV, or do you tell the student the video was a wash out and keep the video from hitting the media?
If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will....

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i would have proposed doing another tandem jump, with video, and stills at the videot's expense
You would have made the Cameraflyer pay for another tandem jump? Would you make him pay another cameraflyer to shoot the video?

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When the bi-plane at quincy hosed my pictures, they offered me a second free jump with free pictures.
When the bi-plane at quincy hose my pictures the second time, they offered me a third free jump with free pictures AND the aerobatic ride. This resulted in a very happy AndyMan, who had three bi-pane rides, two areobatic rides, and a great set of pictures all for the price of one.
I don't think they made the pilot cover the cost of my two free flights.
Similarly, when I was a financial consultant and screwed up, costing the client about $80,000, my employer covered it and did not dock my pay two years salary.
Translation: The DZO should cover the cost of a second free tandem, with pics and video. People screw up. It happens. It's up to the "boss" (DZO) to make things right, at his expense. It's also up to the "boss" to handle the employee in a reasonable manner if the screw-ups are regular.
ICQ: 5578907
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A lot of people would refuse to do another tandem jump. Face it, the first jump only can happen once, its the videographers responcibility to capture the jump if the student wants it on video.
How would you handle the situation if the student refuses to make a second jump, even if its free to them.....?
Also in a lot of places videographers are independent contractors not directly employed by the DZ, but on a contract basis per student, how should a DZO that does not actually employ the videographer handel the situation since they really have nothing to due with the video/stills?
If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will....

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Camera screw-ups, while they shouldn't, do happen regularly enough that any video consession owner or DZO should have a plan for how to handle them... at the DZ I shoot for it works like this...
first we find out if they plan to do another tandem, if so we offer to shoot that video for "free" (that is the video guy that jumped the first time would go on the second jump at no charge to the student and would not be paid for the second jump). If the video guy/girl has any pride in their work this should not be an issue to them.
If they do not plan to do another jump it gets a little sticky... if it was a true malfunction of the equipment then the student is offered a partial refund and they get to keep the stills... if it is a error on the camera flyer's part it's a call made by the consession owner/DZO (but the camera flyer's "liability" is generaly limited to what they are paid)
In either case, it is generaly the camera flyer, who lost the video for what ever reason, to talk to the student about it.
Also, use screw ups as a learning/teaching opportunities... good camera flyers learn from their mistakes, great ones learn from the mistakes of others too.

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Did they ever figure out it was you screwing up the camera on the biplane????

Sadly, they did. I was having fun!
The first time they neglected to load film into the camera. The second time was a new pilot and he forgot to take the shots.
ICQ: 5578907
MSN Messenger: andrewdmetcalfe at hotmail dot com
AIM: andrewdmetcalfe
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This happened at our DZ to some guy from my college that was in that group that I took down. Here is the "funny" thing. He went with us on May 4, 2002 and the whole video got hosed.
However, he went down the year before on May 5, 2001 and got video and the video got hosed then too!! How much bad luck is that?!? :D
So, the DZ gave him a free video for the next jump he'll be on since the guy plans to do more and/or AFF.
And, Phree....if you have someone who won't take a free tandem skydive, slap em for me once, would ya? ;)
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would have proposed doing another tandem jump, with video, and stills at the videot's expense, simple enough. when you hire a service, and they do not perform it, this can certainly cause any "reasonable" dzo to acknowledge you request, and comply with your request.

If that was the policy at my dz I wouldn't shoot video. I think having the "videot" (ps, if you are not one, you don't get to use the term) pay the $139 for the jump and the $60 for the pics is unrealistic. Things happen: zoom switch gets bumped, batteries die, camera's freak out. I could see giving them a cert for free vid and not charging them for the current one as being ok. Maybe, and only maybe, make the camera flyer pay for his slot, that's good biz. But a free tandem skydive with vid and still is a bit harsh. What do other camera flyers think?
Drewfus McDoofus

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But a free tandem skydive with vid and still is a bit harsh. What do other camera flyers think?

I think you're correct. I also think things like this need to be discussed with camera flyers before they agree to shoot for a school.
I also don't like anyone using the term "videot" -- including other camera flyers. At least show some respect for your peers.

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I agree. If they are doing another tandem I would jump on the load at my cost. If not I would give them a refund. I would still feel bad but I don't think it warrants paying for another tandem. I am going to a two camera setup. If both cameras fail then I think it wasn't meant to be.

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(but vidiot/videot is easier to type....but, ok since you requested I not use that term...)
I am not even close to video-ing but at most DZ's they have a discliamer about such mishaps.
if for some or any reason the Vid sucks or does not come out you will be reimbursed etc. and at most of THOSE dz's it is BRIEFED when the student is about to pay. they should be fully aware of the chance that the cameraflier may screw up or just make a mistake!
but to have the videographer buy a new jump for the student is insane, UNLESS they Guarantee a video!
Have fun, Live free, SKYDIVE!!T

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I've been shooting tandem vids for my dz for about 5 years although I can't afford to buy another tandem, my dz does have a $99 tandem jump for your second tandem on the same day as your first. If the tandem student decides to do the second jump for $99 I will go and video them again for free. That is if I happen to screw up the first one.

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That is if I happen to screw up the first one

I saw that not long ago at Skydive Atlanta. I don't remember what happened but the video guy screwed up so he bought ANOTHER tandem for the student. Of course, none of our video guys skydive full time. This is just a side business/hobby and they are not there for the money. In fact.....most of them make a lot more money than me at their real jobs.
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