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Any good?
Saw a tech spec which mentioned I link and Micromv.
I'm cautious about the micromv as I've heard its not compatible with a lot of Firewire cards.
I want the cam, but I don't want to have to rebuild my NLE systems around it.
price looks good here
Help please, my PC7 is about to give up the ghost after years of faithful international service.
BTW yeah I know, its a PAL version, but thats what we use in civilised countries.....;)
GR# 37
Remember how lucky you are to see and touch the sky; the blind may only dream.

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Hey Dave
The 101 is definitely a MiniDV camera... The sony site only lists the iLink (IEEE 1394)(Firewire) for digital I/O. No mention at all of the MICROMV. Unless this is something different on the PAL version, I think you are safe... I'm tempted to get one myself, but will wait until they are out for a little while.

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Thanks Josh,
It was mentioned in the page/link on my first post, I guess the sellers don't know their ass from their elbows sometimes.....
Price is very good, and I'm prepared to wager a large amount Shiner that the price in the UK will be at least 1.5 times this....
Cya at the weekend.
GR# 37
Remember how lucky you are to see and touch the sky; the blind may only dream.

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I guess I owe you a 'large amount of shiner' which is fine Texan beer......If you can come over to Houston this weekend, I'll repay you..

Dont sweat it nac... I wont ask for immediate payment... just bring it back to the UK.... lo (you may substitute it for some fine local bitter... ;))
Muff 914

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