
Setting up DZ min requirements for Camera Flyers

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I was asked to set up minimum requirements & guidelines for camera flyers on our DZ, and would like to know what other operations are doing (if anything), and how they compare to ours.

Currently I have geared them to those wanting to get started, but there is also a section aimed at visiting camera flyers.

As a tandem operation we are already strick about who can video these and / or students but again would appreciate other points of view.

Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.

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I know of one DZ that has a jump minimum for even lurking tandems (500 I believe). Ours is pretty small so people basically know who is safe and who is not. Plus you need to have the JM permission, if he/she ain't comfy, it doesn't happen.

I think it would make sense to call the home DZ of visiting camera flyers (reference check). For new people you could always have some form of a test. Have the instructor go out, lay a base, sink out, float up, see how the camera flyer reacts and go from there.
Drewfus McDoofus

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I haven't really heard of a jump minimum per se. It's usually more of a "Good Ole Boy" system where the TM knows you and has jumped with you. I have been told "NO" before and I certainly have never taken offense to it. It is the TM's skydive after all. He has to be the one to make the safety call. I think it would be dangerous to put a jump number on it.

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I agree the Tandem Instructor should and does have the last word, we have put that into print along with other criteria. We don't get too many other experienced camera flyers showing up wanting to video tandems so it's not as much of an issue.

For new jumpers wanting to start fun jumping w/video our main concern is they show proficiency & currency in the skill they want to film (checkout dive/s may be required). There is other criteria to be met as well.

Visiting jumpers (with lower experience) can be harder to read than a regular at the DZ, as to their ability to handle a camera. Which is why we set out our own requirements.

I have talked to other operations to see how they handle this, but the more input the better, and it's all appreciated

Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.

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Hey Fuzzy,
My dz is quite the tandem factory, years ago when I first started shooting tandem vid I was required to have my d-license then I could wear a camera helmet. At this time I was told to video small rw groups (2,3,4's). After about 50 of those I was told I could lurk tandems in my camera suit 20 times then at that point if the dzo felt I was safe I was allowed on video rotation. Also within that time frame I had to submit like 5 rolls of 35mm pics to the chief videographer for approval. Since then that has all changed, along with the dzo. It seems now that if you are fairly good with a camera you are allowed to video tandems.
What happen to the hazing?
I feel like I worked my butt off to get the job, now there's nothing to it.
I guess it all boils down to personal preference.
I am very proud of my video work, sometimes its hard to deal with two friends coming to the dz to do tandems and one person draws me and the other pulls the new guy. I guess that is inevitable.
But I have heard on several occasions a tandem leaving the dz saying "I was I could have had the other cameraman"
If they don't see their own face in freefall then its just a couple of people in freefall.

Well good luck and always keep practicing, there is always room for improvement. Joe Jennings told me that a few years ago and I took it to heart.

[The early bird may get the worm but the rat gets the cheese.]

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At our dz the tandem instructors choose who they want to shoot video of them. I have about 4 camera flyers that I use when I do tandems. I have been jumping with most of these people for more than 10 years so I am very comfortable with them. If a new camera person wanted to shoot video for me I would want to get familiar with their flying and video ability first hand before I would ask them to shoot a paying video. To do this I would make some solo jumps with them if I had not already, then I would ask that they lurk me on some tandems that do not want video. If they can get good video without scaring me...well cool.

Skydive Radio

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Thanks for the numbers & info etc., this does help to confirm some of what we set out in print, and I think we will stick to our guns on it. Some may feel our requirements are strick, (although the reaction, and comments, so far have been good), better safe then sorry.

Thanks again

"Fuzzy" Dave

Ambition / Ability: Know the difference.

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