
Can i use Canon flash Speedlite 540EZ for FreeFly?

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Can i use to take photos in FreeFly using 500 shutter speed? how i can setting this flash? Or I just can use this flash at 125 speed?


check the manuals that came with your camera and flash. I believe some of the "high end" Canon stuff will let you use what is called "high speed sync". If yours does, it will be in the manuals. To answer your question though, NO. Not if your system doesn't allow high speed sync speeds. If your camera/flash manual says it sync's at 125th, or 250th, then thats the fastest you can use. You can use a slower one, but not a faster one. If you try to use one faster than what's allowed, your pictures wont turn out. I use Minolta, which pretty much set the pace with high speed flash photography. But the others are following suit. The Elan7 and 540EZ are kinda in the "high end" category, so they may. If they don't let you use a fast speed, then try just using whatever the fastest speed you can, probably 125th or 250th. Again, check your manual. It will tell you what the fastet sync speed you can use is. If it's 125th, load up some 100 speed film, set your shutter speed to 125th, and let the camera sellect the aperature. Try it, you may like it. Anyway, sometimes 500th of a second is just plain boring!!


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