
Sony Camera and a Helmet

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I am getting ready to buy a camera and a helmet to put it in. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with the PC7 and PC9 or 101. I was wondering how the PC7 compares in quality and size to the PC9 and 101. I was also wondering if anyone has any experience with the 2k composites helmets. They look really nice and snag free, but I haven't seen anyone jumping one.


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I've helped rig a PC9 up and it works sweet, the 101 is just an updated version of it so it will be fine too. The PC7 is an older but perfectly fine for jumping camera. It uses an older battery that does'nt hold a charge for as long, but the camera has been used for ages in freefall with no major issues.
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I use a pc7. It's ok. Very basic.The picture is pretty good.Once in a while i get some dropped frames. Nothing fancy on it at all. Also there is no input on it except for the dv so you can't take things off vhs and put it on there. I have it top mounted on a pro tec so it's really tall too. If I had it to do over I'd get a trv style camera.

Good luck.

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I have been using an FFX from 2K composites with a PC101 ... It is the business ...It has a built in Cam-Eye and it really is as "snag-free" as you can get ... plus it has one of the best paint jobs i've seen ....

I cannot reccomend it more ...

Ps I have no direct connections with 2K composites other than being a very satisfied customer ...

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I have an N-VertigoX with a Bonehead D-box and PC9. Works great. The improvement with the PC9 was the mpeg video, ,USB, and the ID3 cables, so it is much easier to dub to the VCR, or just display on the DZ TV. The mpeg works great, is super easy to use, and when you plug it into the computer with the USB cable, it sees the camera/memorystick as another harddrive, so it can't get much easier. The mpegs are great for taking clips of video and mailing them to friends... The PC110 is larger and heavier, and has features that aren't for skydiving, like a flash that pops up from the top and more on-camera editing functions... Go with the PC9, it seems to be the industry standard, everyone loves them and never has anything bad to say about them....


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