
First camera jump. Any advices?

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My advice.... wait another 130 jumps or so... Camera flying is a whole new way to get injured. There is no reason to rush into camera flying. Wait untill your skills get to the point that you never cork, you can fly with formations (practice lurking above.. its harder then you think) and in general build up your awareness before you jump a camera.
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We probably can't get you to wait since you've got the gear, but you should wait till about 200.

Since you're gonna jump it anyway[:/]don't get anywhere near the aircraft without a gear check by someone who is very veteran. Never forget your priority is the skydive, not the video.

Check of three's, camera on on jump run, record on flaps down. Then forget about the camera. Video tape is cheap, trade it for increased concentration on the skydive.

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My advice is to put the camera helmet and gear in the closet and forget about it for at LEAST another 130 jumps. No matter how ready YOU think you are, you aren't ready. I also doubt you are experienced enough to be capable of evaluating your own skills and abilities.

Don't take my advice personally but, there is NO WAY I would let someone with 70 jumps and a camera any where near me in freefall, nor would any experienced skydiver I know.

Believe me, you DO NOT have the skills to fly your body safely, perform a variety of exits, vary your fall rate etc enough to fly a camera safely.

You also have not developed the proper awareness and skills to deal with all the potential problems that WILL occur once you do start shooting video including line entanglements, canopy malfunctions, other people not doing what they are supposed to do such as tracking off a proper distance, breaking off early etc.

When the experienced camera flyers on this forum say you should have AT LEAST 200 jumps, they aren't saying after even 200 jumps you are ready to shoot video. They are saying you shouldn't even THINK about it with less than 200 jumps. Some people I've been around aren't ready even after 4 or 500 jumps.

As I said, please don't take this personally, but you arent ready. What do the MAJORITY of experienced jumpers at your DZ think about this. I mean people with 1000's of jumps not those with a few hundred? What does the DZO think? These are the people who know you and your abilities best.

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I made my first camera jump at #194. I'm glad I waited that long. Jumping camera adds a lot of new dangers. I know for a fact that I wasn't ready at 70 jumps. Even now at 258 I still have plenty of "Oh Shit" moments. You will go through a learning process whenever you start but it's a hell of a lot easier when you have the basics down. At 70 jumps....you just don't yet. Period.

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> Any advices for my first camera jump?

Yea, DON'T DO IT!!!

There is no reason for someone with your experience to be in the air with a camera on.

Find someone with at leat 500 camera jumps and talk to them. Find yourself a mentor.


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Ditto everything the other camera flyers have said so far.

I had over 300 jumps and 2 cutaways before I started flying camera. The cutaways are not a requirement before flying a camera of course but having had a couple sure makes me feel more secure about handling a more complicated emergency with a camera.

When you disregard all this good advice and go do it anyway, good luck and try not to kill yourself or anybody else.


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The cutaways are not a requirement before flying a camera of course but having had a couple sure makes me feel more secure about handling a more complicated emergency with a camera.

Yep....thats one thing that causes me concern. I don't doubt myself but I have yet to have my first cut away so I don't KNOW for sure. Now throw in a camera entanglement that has killed people with thousands of jumps........

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