
Jeff Agard: Featured Photographer

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I have a Nikon N70 and also a F100 (that I use
mostly for ground shots...).

the N70, though not available anymore from Nikon, is such a sweet camera...built to last. It is a bit heavier than other 35mm cameras, but I tend to be a bit rough on my equipment, and it ontinues to hold up.

all the pictures in the gallery in freefall that have flash are with the pop up flash on the N70..it seems to do the job well enough. A nicely built rugged camera.

As for lenses,
My favorite lens is the 16mm fullframe fisheye from Nikon... most of my shots in these galleries are with that.
Otherwise, I also have a 20mm, a 24mm, a 8mm circular fisheye (shown in one of the Canopies and Landings gallery...a guy doing acuracy...), and access to a 70-200mm zoom that I like to use for landing shots or portraits.

be safe,

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Jeff, did I get this right: You use the little built-in flash in freefall? I'd be afraid of it either getting ripped off by the relative wind, getting kicked off on exit, or catching something on deployment...


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Hi Jeff, I too have a Nikon N-70 & have considered using the pop up flash on many occasions (sunset/sunrise loads). I've been afraid that the flash/flash assembly would get ripped off by the relative wind. You've not had a problem with it?
Thanks, & great pics!
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Yep, the pop up flash on the N70 works fine.
(so far...maybe someday it will get ripped off...)
you can wedge something underneath (lightly wedge..:) ) to keep it from bobbing up and down.

but I use it a lot, even on sunny days.
I use it for fill flash to brighten dark shots.

I am suggesting that you do it,
but it works wonders for me.
(i also have a SB-28 that i can mount on my helmet, but I have not needed that much light yet.)


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