
Can you get on a jump plane and jump without a rig?

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I have just recived a copy of "Into the Silk" by Ian Mackersey. There was a newspaper clipping inside with reference to an Ivan Maguire.
The clipping stated that this camera flyer managed to get into an aircraft with his full camera equipment on and no rig:S.
When the a/c reached altitude he proceeded to jump with the team without his rig.[unsure]
This incident happened in 1988 and I am unclear as to weather it happend or not.
Please can I get some clarification on this please.
Is this another bad urban myth or is it fact.
Blue skies


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Try running a search - seems to me there was a thread about it recently, but I can't remember who/what/when.../

Yes, it seems to have happened. Makes the phrase gear check a little more impactful...


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
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Cheers Michele.
When I walk to the plane
  1. Check your handle
  2. Check your alti
  3. Check your handle
  4. Emergency drills
  5. Check your handle

And exactly the same thing happens all the way up until exit where I check my main pin.


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When I walk to the plane

1. Check your handle
2. Check your alti
3. Check your handle
4. Emergency drills
5. Check your handle

Yup. I add the following.

a. Check around you for others' handles/straps
b. Check again for others' handles/straps
c. Check all mine about 47 million times
d. Check others' handles and straps...

At the door, one last touch to all three, and smile and go....


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Yes, it happened. The videoflyer had a chest mounted recorder that looked a lot like a chest mounted reserve. In the mid 80's chest reseves were falling out of favor fast, but they were still there on older gear. The harness fitted like a skydiving harness. I've heard it a few different versions, but all the details are the same... impact with no rig.

Ask anyone with more then 1000 jumps how many times they've seen/had a mis routed chest strap. Gear checks are needed, but each jumper is responcible for their own gear.
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Thats what I like in the UK.
I jumped in the USA last year and found it a bit of a shock to have no flight line checks as mandatory, but if you are blessed with a bit of common sense you get other people to check your gear as well as yourself.
Safety at the end of the day is in your own hands.


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Thats what I like in the UK.

And thats one of the things I don't like. If you want a gear check then ask for one, I just don't like the fact that its mandatory. You said it yourself :

Safety at the end of the day is in your own hands.

So why rely on others to check things you could/should check yourself? Too many people get lulled into a false sense of security by a gear check IMHO.


PS I jump quite often with another Matt Robinson (freeflyer with about 400 jumps), bit of a co-incidence that.

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Yep, it's true. If you get a chance to see the video watch really closely. They do a good job editing around it but you can still get a glimpse of the cable every now and then while he's under canopy. Even so, it's still some wild video!

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Janelin has an advertising poster (we have one at our DZ) it has a guy in a white jumpsuit doing the same thing, if you look closely at it you can see he outline of a webbing strap (or flat cable) running anlong his arm and attached to the container..
Regardless of the attachemnts,, it's an awsome picture and that guy has some BIG testicles.

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Back in the 1960s, Bill Cole did a few chuteless jumps. Cole wore a harness with chest rings. and his buddy handed him a chest-mounted reserve in freefall. The camera malfunctioned on the first jump, so they repeated the stunt. CSPA banned Mr. Cole for his second chuteless jump.
A few other skydivers repeated the stunt. The last time it was documented in Andy Keech's book Skies Call 2 or 3?. Only this time, the hero clipped into a set of risers hanging off his buddy's leg straps.

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The story documented in The Endless Fall that was mentioned by someone else was the story of Bill Cole, not these pictures. Bill's was in 1972, and it was not faked. Mike Swain, who wrote the book, was the one who did the video on the jump. Great story!

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Rod Pack also did a chuteless jump in 1965. The first 8-way star had not been built yet.
Wendy W.:o

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I seem to remember this event, as a case where
the camera flyer entered the plane, with his rig and camera equipment,,, and yet somehow managed to
climb to altitude without ever actually donning
the gear.... He was apparently seated up near the cockpit,, and so was one of the last to exit,,,,,,,,
no one "downstream" of him, in the cabin, noticed...
and he exited with the rig still sittin' in the plane.....
makes you shake your head,,,, and wonder......
yet as this sport demonstrates to us on a regular basis,,,,anything is possible.....Gear check?????
I would say SO!!!.... at least a couple of times on the way to altitude....For me.... my favorite skydive
is the one that I am looking forward to making,,,,,,,,,,NEXT.....

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I've heard a few stories of such things happening to camera flyers. Apparently a dude did this at our DZ. He was just checking to see his alti was zero'd lots of times...scary shit... I'm told when he realised he retreated sheepishly back into the hanger :S As dangerous as it is..as long as you never made it on the plane your never gonna live that one down. Its coming out every 5 minutes i'm bettin...:D

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Here in Hungary, before you board the plane, usually
you stand in a nice row and the jumpmaster (here it is called jumpcommander) checks your gear.

With my own eyes I saw -I was on the plane too- when a jumpcommander checked a gear of a jumper with ~13000 jumps (he holds the Hungarian record), and for the guy it was natural and did not say anything, did not try to stop because of his jumpnumber.

It is really strange when we jump sometimes there are whuffo passengers in the plane without rigs than come the jokes "I would not fly with this plane without a parachute etc. etc."

In US passangers are allowed to be on a jump plane?


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"Shoes, helmet... rig... darn it does someone in the plane have an extra rig? I forgot my rig, again!"
Sorry, had to throw that in, 'cause I've given my extra goggles and tandem passenger altimeter to jumpers so many times...

The laws of physics are strictly enforced.

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