
Black and White ?

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just about everybody that has ever sat in a photography classroom has used black and white film...

I like Kodak pan film. 400 is a good all around speed if you are doing existing light photography. 100 is good if you are going to be outside. Get a few filters, and see the effect that filters have on black and white film. I think you will enjoy the results if you mess around with it.

good luck

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I second what [size 2]WmLauterbach[size 1] [/size][/size] has to say about sitting through a photography class and Kodak's pan film being reliable. Shooting B&W taught me a lot. I hope you have the facilities and chance to develope and print your own. Sending some B&W film away to be processed can take a long time and cost quite a bit more than the c-41 process for standard color prints. But Kodak B&W +400 and +125 can be processed as standard c-41 and printed on color paper. Plus it's only about $3 per roll according to B&H. I think I'm gonig to pick some up to play around with on vacation.
I found that exposure becomes more critical with B&W or at least i've been able to see my mistakes more clearly then in color prints. My photo teacher told my class to look for the mindtones and get a reading off of them so to get a good contrast range.
I can't wait to get 400 or 600 jumps under my belt so I can start shooting.
good journeys,
Matt Ersing

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I love black and white film. I'm a T-max and Tri Pan fan myself, but there are TONS of great bw film out there. The biggest problems with it is unless you can develop your own (wihich is simple if you know how) it takes most places 2 weeks to get it done, and also costs more (10 times more simple proceedure.....and costs more....supply and demand at work!!). You can get a lot of private photo studios to develop for you, but most places will charge u as much to do the negs alone as Walmart would charge for prints. I've had bad luck with the fake BW film (the stuff u can have developed anywhere). It's just not the same....at all.

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