
Why do we do it??

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Fly camera, I mean...

Entanglements, added equipment costs, steep learning curve, little recognition (unless you screw it up...), etc

Why do we do it then? The massive amounts of money we make? (<---sarcasm alert). The "prestige" of being video guy? The added adrenaline rush by taking the sport to the next (more dangerous) level?

I do it because of the thrill I get when I get it right.

Seeing that 4 way team fill the frame, that smiling tandem passenger reliving his jump when he watches my edited video, that AFF student debriefing his jump from my video. Even if that 4 way team forgets to thank me, I still walk off smiling and saying "Man, I nailed THAT one!"

I'd do it even if I didnt make a pile of cash doing it. (<---ummm, another sarcasm alert!)

Why do YOU do it?


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Gotta love the high-fives you get when the tandem passenger says "Dude, you made me look like a GOD!" Is there really anything better than that? Getting to watch the first jump is as much fun as shooting a good 4-way block series. They are all fun, and once in a while I still DO laugh in free fall.

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Yep, it's the look of joy, smiles, and laughs from the TPass when they view the vid for the first time. "Man, I didn't realize how funny I looked!"

Also right in there is the fact that my skill level increases with every jump. I usually do vids for four different TM's and each one of them requires a different flyin' style.

I promise it's not because of the money.....sometimes on slow days we do it just because we love to fly camera and record skydives!

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I don't video tandems (I've gone out with about 4 or 5 in my 650+ jumps) or AFF (never have) or 4 way (Have a handful of these) but have taken my camera with me on every jump I've done since around jump 200. I get a thrill every time I video someone that tries something new, they get it, and then I dub it over to tape for them. I prefer to shoot outside video on a freefly jump than to fly inside and take docks. I loved the fact that I was invited along at nationals to video the 25 way CReW jump that is the Ill. state record, and I practically ran up the stairs of Skydive Chicago to the bar to show the video to anyone that wanted to see on the "Big Screen".

I shoot video because almost every time I do it, I get the ultimate compliment. "Dude, can I get a firewire, or copy of that...."

Mark Klingelhoefer

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I was a photographer before I started skydiving. I lived for 2 years at high school with a camera attached to my wrist... as a yearbook photographer. That developed into a general love of photography... and a good technical understanding of it.

I just love pictures...

I guess I do get off on kudos and recognition of getting "the shot"

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well I jsut started video recently...the fact that tandem/aff students get to see someone in freefall is awesome for me...I love to watch new peoples faces and get to show them jsut how excited they were (since most hardly remember the freefall portion on thier first jump) mostly I freefly so getting to the ground and proving to others that my skill has been improving this year is a compliment to me....and most of all so I can show all of my non-skydiving friends just how awesome it is to fly your body...most non-skydivers that I have met never imagined what all you can do up there.
this space for rent.

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