
transparent titles in Premere 6.0

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Dumb question I know:S. I am trying to learn Premere (bargain license with I/O card, the book is not so good)

I am making titles and if I drag and drop it onto the timeline (say video 2) and all my video is on timeline 1, I can not get the title to appear in the project window when I run the timeline.

I was looking in my book but I can not figure out what I was doing wrong, is there a special setting to overalp video 2 on top of video 1?

"Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.

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You will need to play with the "blending method" of the title clip... I don't have it sitting in front of me, but either "screen" or "white alpha matte" (if you built a standard Premier title) should work.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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If you are using "A/B" editing, it should show after you render the video. I don't know a lot about single track editing. The only way I edit is in a/b mode. In a/b mode the top line is for titles and over lays. after putting your title in the space you want on the time line you will need to render it, then it will show in the preview.


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He who swoops the ditch and does not get out buys the BEER!!

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Premiere is a great programme but can be hard going.

Try Vegas Video 3 (VV3) or Video factory from Sonic Foundry. VV3 is so much better at titles than Premiere. You can download demo versions of both as well as the VV manual in PDF format at:-


The tutorials in the manual are great and will get you up and running in a couple of hours.


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I have a .pdf file that is from Adobe, something like 1,150 pages... If you want, I can send it over to you for your viewing... But, of course, if you like it, you would have to buy the license from them, ;)

Getting banned isn't that bad......

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I would like a copy of that. Could you please send it to me at dave@skydivelspc.com? Thanks a bunch. BTW, an easier and more flexible way to do titles is Adobe After Effects. Edit your stuff in Premier, save it, and then import it into After Effects.

Skydive Radio

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I've found the Adobe Premiere Bible to be extremely useful, wether you bought a legal copy of Premiere or are still "evaluating".
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0764534564/qid=1033624201/sr=8-3/ ref=sr_8_3/104-0221693-8871134?v=glance&n=50784

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Ramon, you are going about this the wrong way......Assuming you want a title to appear over some live action, or a picture, or you want to animate it etc
A and B are video tracksand can't have their transparency altered, anything 'above' those on the timeline will work fine. Place your title on any video track other than A or B and you can set the clip transparency, for titles try white alpha matting....
If you are stuck, let me know and I could send you PPJ file with this type of titling set up, but it won't be till later tonite......
Bon Chance mon ami.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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I got it with protions of everyones (except the pirate thread ;)) input.

So, that wouldn't happen to be my coach dive that you're working on, would it?:) j/k

Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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