
Canon Rebel on Bonehead Optik

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Any recommendations on a good way to mount a canon rebel onto a bonehead Optik. I'm currently shooting vid, but was hoping to get into some stills. I originally wanted digital still, but I dont really see anything that I like that I wouldnt have to sell my mother for.
"stons fal, evrysing fals, but doesnt on purpos change its flite pas an positioning..."

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I'm planning on making my own equivalent to Bonehead's Z-Bracket.

As far as securing the cameras go, I've looked into getting Stroboframes since it's the most used mount at the DZ. Although I've come across a couple of compaints in that the latches are spring loaded and they could give on heavy loads. I was recommended to check out mounts that are cam locking such as a Bogen 577 or 394.
My other ride is the relative wind.

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