
Selling customers digital photographs.

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Are any of you selling digital photos to tandems?

To be honest, I'm looking for a reason to get that new Nikon D100. Neatneatneat.

We just started burning the video to DVD, I'm thinking we might be able to store the digital photos right on that same media, but probably not, right, the formatting would be wrong?

Anybody burning them to CD-R's? Do you think there's a demand for this product for the tandem crowd?

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It's definately the way that things will -eventually- go, but it might be a bit premature for a wide market.

Small market, yeah, I can see offering that if the demand is there, but large market would be an issue if you had to shoot film on one jump and then digital the next. It would just get messy for scheduling purposes.

DVDs are probably practical at this point for certain situations if you can burn them in real-time and don't ever make mistakes. ;) There would be some issues as far as generic leader I would think. Have you figured a way out of that?

quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Q, we do most of the tape editing in-camera. I don't know anything about editing, but we have a pretty good editing board.

The woman who does the editing goes through the helmet tape once, selects the best shots from the tandem ride, a close up face shot and a few other exciting stills. She then goes back and plays the helmet tape through and overlays the good stills over the slower spots of the helmet footage. The exit is in slo-mo. Two tracks of music, one for up and one for down. She burns them in the same amount of time it would take to do a VHS.

We sell DVD about half the time, maybe a little less. It's like $5 more.

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I have taken stills off video before and sold them to students on video but only when someone decided later they wanted stills. The major problem is that you would now have an extra step every time to record the stills on a CD.

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SD Aggieland sells digital photographs for tandem students, its $20 for a CD and usually there's a bit over 100 photos on the CD of the student on the ground, getting in the plane, etc. We generally burn them on a CD in jpg format with out any sort of editing and the students have been very happy with them. In the few instances that the CDs aren't usable by the students, we refund their money, but that is rare. Especially with the advent of a single CD burning standard, modern CD-Roms/CD-RWs and media. Hope this helps you out.:)

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SD Aggieland sells digital photographs for tandem students, its $20 for a CD and usually there's a bit over 100 photos on the CD

Are these true digital photos or video frame grabs?

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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Yes, I am selling digital stills. There's a good article in Parachutist a few months ago you should dig up. It has a picture of my CoolPix 5000 setup, and some tips on getting started.

I have taken a good look at the D100, and I think you should consider the D60. The first, and most pressing arguement against the D100 came this past weekend.

One of the camera flyers at the DZ we went to had just purchased the D100, so it was nice to actually handle one and see it in the flesh. The big no-no that turned me off was the remote shutter release. It is a mechanical plunger (Ick!), not a switch type release! The final output of the D100 is nearly identical to the D60. The D60 has been used very sucessfully by other flyers, and you can get good advise from those of us flying the D60 and the D30.

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For myself I'm working on a project be offert DVD to the client and also I think about digital, but like you said for a question of format I will go with a cd for the still shot, it cost avout nothing and compliant with PC and the most important thing with the machine the photo processing store use

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SD Aggieland sells digital photographs for tandem students, its $20 for a CD and usually there's a bit over 100 photos on the CD

Are these true digital photos or video frame grabs?

These are true digital photographs, each about a meg in size.
The tandems really like the fact that they can crop the pic
and still have a great quality photo.


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