
PC120 focus lock question

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Here is another question for those familiar with the PC120. I use a PC9, and just set the focus on infinity (the little mountains), and I'm good to go. It seems a little more complicated to lock the focus on infinity, when you get the infinity symbol and the mountains, the video of the jump doesn't work out quite right. Those of you with the 120, what do you do for the focus??

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Personally I find the auto-focus on the 120 is really good, I usually just use that. The only time it ever gets confused is on opening when I get stood up.

I haven't used auto-focus in heavy cloud, so I'm not real sure how that'd work.


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Autofocus is the worst setting to use if you have more then one subject at the same time. Like on Tandem videos there is nothing worse then seeing the camera focus on the person then the plane then the person again at exit.

I usually set mine to infinity and leave it in normal mode unless its the sunset load then I set it to moonscape if I remember.
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I use both a Kenko .5 (for tandems) and a .3 for inside video.

Kenko: set to infinity and sports program. The props look really cool and you can pull decent screen shots if your 35mm malfunctions.

Diamond: Put lens on, set program to automatic. It will not work on sports setting. Point camera at something the distance you want, and then lock the focus.

I have a 120 and they both work great.


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