
Check out my new video!

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Yes, it's finally happened. Following the success of his first feature film 'Outpatients: Take 1', acclaimed skydiver and videographer Gus Hutchison-Brown is pleased to announce the 2nd release of the 'Outpatients' series, imaginatively titled 'Outpatients: Take 2'. Featuring stunning video captured by one of the leading proponents of his generation, 'Outpatients: Take 2' is a wild ride through 2 crazy weeks of death defying skydiving stunts performed over the beautiful Belvoir Valley. Laugh as up-and-coming photographer Sam Bailey head-buts Steve Newman on exit, cry as you watch Gus himslef reach the rabbit first but fail to snap the trailing tape, let your jaw drop in awe as new birdman Phil Alan performs the now famous 'Phil Alan Death Roll'.

Let me know what you think! (7 mins, wmv, 18 megs)


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Very cool, Gus.

I know, but thanks anyway. ;)


Let's start cranking them out more often!

I'm currently looking for sponsors to help me jump more often and therefore do more video monkeying - are you offering?


How about a link to your other video?

It's not online at the moment. Oh yes, and it's crap!


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are you using a D-box?
trying to figure out why your vingette is so deep and so shifty. I've seen vingette that bad when people use too much glass or length of lense (sep up ring, wide angle, and filter). But the flutter that it gets is what seems to be the most odd.

What is your set up?

Any ideas why it does that so much?\


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Any ideas why it does that so much?

No! It seems to be quite variable which is weird. I'm using a Sony PC9 zoomed all the way out and a Kenko 0.5 wide angle lense with a step-up ring (30 - 37mm?) in a 2K Composites FFX (enclosed/built in dbox style). Any ideas?


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my brain says that it's the lense that is moving, but that doesn't seem right because the image is stable and deosn't move, only the black. I doubt Steady Shot is good enough to stableize an image that is moving that much. The only way I could get my PC 5 to get any vingette was when I put a step up ring on it, with the sony .6 X that is at 30mm to start with it doesn't get any at all.
lots of people use the Kenko lense.... i havent heard if others have the same problem.
I hope you get it figured out though. My eye is drawn to that instead of the subjects.

otherwise great vid man


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Its OK, just keep your head still(!) Seriously though dig your chin into the chin piece and you'll be OK. You generally have to be jumping a pretty wide angle to get the vignetting, and a wider angle always seems steadier anyway. I get no vignetting with your lens on my PC10 (no step up ring though)

Have you noticed how on your pc there is more vignetting? Thats the true size of the video - the extra that you don't see through the viewfinder is what the camera uses to make the steady shot work (on sony models), when you turn steady shot off this no longer moves, so the vignetting no longer moves either.

My first camera was Hi8 with no steady shot and it was ok (i was crap though!).

Instagram gary_wainwright_uk

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