
Problems exporting to camcorder...

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Hi everyone,

I'm using Pinnacle Studio 7 to edit videos from my Sony PC9. Generally everything works fine until it comes to exporting the finished video back onto the camcorder. It starts, then within a few seconds I get a very blocky/start-stop image, then it simply stops.

The workaround I've found is this:
(1) Create finished video
(2) Use a special app to convert the finished video, which is in Type 2 avi into Type 1 avi
(3) Use another app to export the new avi to the camcorder

Here's some blurb about the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 avis.

My question is this: why does this work?


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No, I suspect your real question is "Aren't I the clever nerd for figuring this out?"

Yes there is that (:P) but my workaround isn't flawless and the process still cuts out alot, just alot less than not using the workaround.


Seriously though, why don't you just upgrade to Studio 8 and save yourself the hassle?

Aside from the fact that I shelled out £60 (or thereabouts) for Studio 7 I reckon Studio 8 will just do the same thing. Why, are you using Studio 8?


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I've tried just about every combination of switching things on, starting things up, dancing in circles etc that you can think of. I've spent too much time online on this but I hadn't thought to post the question here.

I'm 99% sure it's not a hardware problem: I have an 80gb, 7200rpm, Maxtor hdd on it's own ide channel with DMA access set. Besides which I can export (but only Type 1 avi's) and I've never had problems capturing.

I'd love to figure this out!


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If you're exporting the finished video back to the camcorder, why are you making it an .avi? When you go to the "Make Movie" window, choose "TAPE", not "AVI". Then click on "Create." When it's done rendering, it'll tell you to press play on the player window (at this time hit the REC & mark button on your PC9 or PC9 remote control). The only reason you'd need to make it an AVI file is if you want other programs to be able to read the rendered movie.

The Video camera won't capture the first 2 or so seconds of your rendered video, so what I do to remedy this is start my videos with about 2 seconds of a black screen before the action starts.

This should work! Good Luck.

Low Profile, snag free helmet mount for your Sony X3000 action cam!

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This should work! Good Luck.

Yeah it should :(.

When you choose TAPE I can only assume that it renders the movie into a temp file (type 2 avi), then outputs it to the camcorder - which is what I'm doing anyway. The only reason I'm trying to do it this way is that the TAPE option doesn't work...


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Do you have all the updates for version 7?

Don't know if this is the problem..I have problems playing mpegs that I make on pinnacle...hoping that when I upgrade to version 8 these problems will magically disappear.:S


Low Profile, snag free helmet mount for your Sony X3000 action cam!

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