
TRV 900/950 or something else???

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I've used 3 sony cameras. My first camera was a PC-10 (I still have this camera but don't use it because I have a flattop-pro now and want to have a trv-type-camera. The PC-10 also don't have a lanc option for my cameye II). But after buying a Bonehead Flattop-pro I bought a Sony TRV-11. Both very good camera's. But I am always looking for camera's with a better quality. When I was looking for a Sony TRV-50, I found a secondhand Sony VX-1000 for a very good price. And because the picture quality is very high I bought the VX-1000. Before I bougth this one I've contacted Henny Wiggers (famous dutch camera man). He said that this was his best camera ever. Till so far no problems. Besides that the VX-1000 is a little bit heavyer. But I can handle that so far. But now my problem. In a normal season I make about 200 camerajumps a year. But because I am going to train with a team who wants to make 360 jumps in 3 trainingsperiods in 2003. My total amount of jumps for 2003 will be around 560 or more. And that is a little bit to much wearing a VX-1000. And because I don't want to lower the image quality of my pressent DV camera (VX-1000) I was looking for the new TRV 950. But the TRV 950 is not an option I believe when I am reading the reactions.

A college cameraman is using a trv 900. And I am not aware that he is having problems with his camera. He is only using it with filming RW and Tandems. Is this a exception? Or is it position the camera is in during freefall. (Reaction: Also, just for clairification, it is not an issue of flutter, it is the "floating iris" that causes the image to shake. With inconsistant and rapidly changing lighting conditions the iris would not know where to constrict, and would jump around, making the image appear to shake.)

Because he is not heaving problems with his camera
I interested in bying his camera. But when I going to have the same problems when using the TRV-900 with filming Tandems from underneath or FF or Students this is also not an option.

The reason for looking for a other camera are:

image quality; 3ccd camera imagequality is better then a 1 ccd camera. Alltough the sony camera are having 1.5 million pixels, this is only used for making digital still pictures. The quality of your film is not getting better.

Poor white balans: Most Sony camera are having a lensopening which are to small. So when it is very cloudy or you are filming inside the hangar faces are very dark.

I hope you can help me with your reply looking for a new (high quality) dv camera (You can imagion I prefer a Sony).


Edward B| Blaauw

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I used to jump a VX-1000, I'll have to check my log book, but I think I put about 600 jumps on it in about a year, with no real problems (neck might get a little tight after a particularly hard day)... I jumped the 900 before I had the 1000... It had the FI problem, which is why I switched. I have heard of some folks not having issues with the 900, but few...

If you know someone who claims not be having problems with theirs, and you want to buy it, do some research... Ask if you can see some video shot with the camera, look for the positions that were shot from, look for the shake... if it is not there, and the video is from all positions, you might have the rare camera that works, but buyer beware.

The TRV-30 or 50 is probably your best bet... the 1.5MP is just for stills, but the video resolution is above 1MP also... It might be 3CCD, but if you not doing broadcast, it may not make that much difference.

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I have been using the VX-1000 for
4 seasons now.:)Be sure that the 1000,,,, is balanced on the helmet,,front to back.. to reduce
the effects of opening shock..:S.. the TRV-900
HAS been reported as being susceptible to "shake", and tape flutter,, but I have no firsthand knowledge of that.... only comments which I have read here,,, and elsewhere.... The VX 1000 has many good features, and produces a very good image... Some of the digital playback effects are not available on it, however..:(.It does have record mode overlap.and fade.. It does have a solid,, built in handle,,, which allows you to safely pick up and carry the helmet,, but the microphone is built in to the front of the handle and
it IS susceptible to getting banged and bumped
during the course of your work.... you have to be careful with it..;) the Sony VX 2000,,, has a few more features, and a flip out viewfinder,,,, but its more $$$$,,, retails in the US around 2,500 dollars....Consider what main canopy you jump, (size and wing loading) before deciding on this sized video cam..:|... I jump a PD Spectre 210,,, which opens nicely AND on heading,,,, jump after jump....:)
'When people ask me "is that helmet rig heavy?", I just say,,,, well in freefall its weightless!!!!!,, but at opening,,, it's 3 G's !!!"B|;)
skydive often skydive hard, skydive with enthusiasm...

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I think you have to ask yourself what is the purpose of your video. Ultimately in this case its a training aid so does it really matter if its 3 chip or not? I'd put your PC10 on top of your hat (this is my arrangement and I have no problems) If you're worried about how high it is just compare it to your VX1000 and you'll see there is hardly any difference.

Instagram gary_wainwright_uk

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I jump a TRV 30 and the image quality on downlaod to tape is nearly as good as a vx2000. The image on direct playback via a TV is a sharp as a 3 Chip, so as a training aid it is great. 3 Chips are the rquirement for broadcast but it sounds like you are not doing that.

Try a 30 or 50 you wont be disappointed.
Journey not destination.....

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