
Optik Vs. Hawkeye

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I did a search for this and didn't come up with what I was looking for so bear with me. Why did you (hawkeye and optik users) decide to buy your helmet? Which one is easier to mount a still camera on? Anyone have any experience cutting away their helmet with different ratchet chin cup styles? Any comments about material and strenght. Thanks for the info guys.;)

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I have the Hawkeye LT. I refit the padding to make it tighter on my head. It's a little heavier than the optic, and stiffer. The color is molded right in to the gelcoat, so scratches are easily fixed with clear acrylic nail polish. The painted optics look pretty bad when they get scratched. If I got one, I'd get the clear finish over carbon fiber.

It's really all about how it fits you. It's freaky enough the first couple of times you wear a camera, you can limit that by being as comfortable with your helmet as possible.

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I owned 2 camera helmet a N-Vertigo X and now I use a optik and I really prefert the Optik, I tried also the Hawkeye. I very like the optik because you can entierely remove the padding so it help a lot when you work with and you drill some holee for the wirering, the side mounth have also i little angle to the center that make the paralax easier to adjust, the top month I use aluminium sheet that I bent as I want but their is the Z-Bracket from Bonehead this is a carbone fiber bracket made for a still camera.
the chin cup work very well, I cut what exceed and I round up the end for better fit.
For what other people say about the paint it's true but I prefert a good working helmet then a piece the show in a museum.

if you have specifique question don't be shy

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you are a really good detective, yep I'm el Cheapo Grande, should I know you.... for myself I don't know who you are so give me some clue.. ;)

And for the paint I payed an extra cash to get custom color and I don't like the yellow the use, so it should be repaint this winter

El Cheapo Grande

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