
cam eye install

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Guys, Im trying to find a neat and clean way to install my cam eye on a hawk eye helmet, I remember reading on here some place about some one taking theres apart and installing it with the button protruding out a drilled hole, Ive searched but cant find it, can anybody give me sone direction??? thanks

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I am about to embark on the same task, on the same helmet. I dont plan on using a blow tube as I am flying video. Any suggestions that are cleaner than gaffers tape ( which I plan to use if I cant find a better way).


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Guys, Im trying to find a neat and clean way to install my cam eye on a hawk eye helmet, I remember reading on here some place about some one taking theres apart and installing it with the button protruding out a drilled hole, Ive searched but cant find it, can anybody give me sone direction??? thanks

On a similar note, you can drill a (1/2" If I remember correctly, DOUBLE CHECK the size) hole in the helmet, and the cameye will pop into that (notice the ridge just below the button area. Check to make sure the rest of the button on the inside the helmet won't be protruding into your head in some way.

Hook high, flare on time

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You don't have to...

I initially had mine hooked up with all the wiring just neatly taped down to the outside of the helmet...realized it just wasn't neat enough for me.
You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone.

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'Twas the most feasible option of what was available at the time...I really don't think it makes a fuck...it ain't goin' nowhere...

If it really bothers you, epoxy the switch to the helmet, and forget about it...I personally didn't do so, as a cameye malfunction requiring replacement as the fix is not out of the question...
You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone.

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I did kinda the same thing to my DaBome. But I didn't remove the cap. I made a bigger hole so that the ridge of the eyecam would hold it self in place. But I also pland on it being a prmenat part of the helmet so I didn't care about the size of the hole.
Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

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