
New Bonehead D-Box vs. Old

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I've searched through old threads and haven't come up with opinions on this but I'm sure it has been discussed.
I've got a PC-1 that I will be mounting to a Bonehead Optik in the spring. I plan on putting it in a D-Box. I have tracked down some PC-1 boxes (that are no longer made) and am wondering if they are better that the one-size fits all box now available from Bonehead.
What are the pros and cons? I plan on using the larger battery NP-FS21 (1 1/2 hours), not the small one. Will this battery fit in either without modification?

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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Seems like everyone is unhappy with the new one-size-fits-nothing d-boxes. But you can't expect Bonehead to make more than one version for the entirely reasonable price of ~$200...

Getting banned isn't that bad......

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Lets put it this way, if my PC110 were Konradptrs hand, and my camera was his jimmy, it would be a perfect fit.

Did I mention that he has really really small hands?
So I have been told by the fair maidens at out Team hangout.

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