
people with a wing loading of 1.8 or more, or have a small canopy

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a friend and i were discussing something saturday.

what it was about was people with a high wing loading (1.8 or 1.9 or more) and people with a 100 sq ft canopy or smaller

what kind of harness do you have. like hip rings, hip and chest, or just a standard harness.

the reason we would like to know is, he has a voodoo, and when he puts his vx in there it has a right turn, his voodoo has hip and chest rings, and on one side it is a 1/8 of a inch longer then the other. and what sucks is, it is still within the tolorance the manufactorers allow. and with a ringed harness, it is a bit harder to find, or make perfect, or that's what RI told him.

and it seams like it would be easier to screw up a bit on measurements with a ringed harness than with a standard one.

and we were wondering what the people that have these small canopies jump. and why. like if you got a ringed harness for a reason with your canopy, other than just comfort. or if you got a standard harness because of your highly loaded or small canopy.

and i don't want to sound like a ass (and i know i do by saying this) but with people that don't load up there canopies much, or not have a 100 or smaller sq ft canopy, please keep your comments to the minimum. thanks :)
edit: i forgot to add, just chest rings. so if you have that, please just post it. thanks :)

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[:)How about the "scientific" approach. Just about every human I know is out of tolerance, meaning that betwixt their left and right side there is a measurable difference. 1/8" sounds about right, if not even more. So 1/8" in a harness or/and the suspension lines of a small canopy added together could make a difference. The problem becomes the reference point. Did the problem manifest itself with the new harness/container? Was the old harness/container even in respect to the main lift web(Muscle memory/Body position memory)?Did the VX itself go out of trim? When was the last time the main had a proper inspection? How about the risers and the brake settings. No minimums here. Just more questions.;)Small or highly wingloaded canopies require more skills to pilot. If at all, they require constant input/attention by the pilot. Hook low, flare late, die..>:(

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[:)How about the "scientific" approach. Just about every human I know is out of tolerance, meaning that betwixt their left and right side there is a measurable difference. 1/8" sounds about right, if not even more. So 1/8" in a harness or/and the suspension lines of a small canopy added together could make a difference. The problem becomes the reference point. Did the problem manifest itself with the new harness/container? Was the old harness/container even in respect to the main lift web(Muscle memory/Body position memory)?Did the VX itself go out of trim? When was the last time the main had a proper inspection? How about the risers and the brake settings. No minimums here. Just more questions.Small or highly wingloaded canopies require more skills to pilot. If at all, they require constant input/attention by the pilot. Hook low, flare late, die..

as to the vx going out of trim and risers and all that, the canopy is fine when he puts it in his javelin, or reflex.


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I've got a stiletto @ 1.9 or so in a fully articulated Odyssey. It flies straight. I got the articulation for comfort, but I can see how it could make the canopy more sensitive to harness input, which would be a bonus for swooping. Sounds like your friends harness is screwed up [:/], but 1/8 inch doesn't seem like it could make that big a difference. Could some other part of the harness be off? Did anybody else try jumping the rig?

Good luck, hope you figure out what's wrong. Having a useless H/C would suck. Let us know if you figure it out.

Like a giddy school girl.

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Does an articulated harness make the canopy more sensitive to harness movements? That would be nice..

My new wings will have hip rings not chest.. Current Racer has no articulation and is incredibly comfortable.

Currently jumping crossfire2, 97 at 1.9 +..


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Does an articulated harness make the canopy more sensitive to harness movements? That would be nice..

Maybe... I think the chest rings allow the MLWs to move more independently of each other, which is why PdF says chest rings lead to bad openings (you could argue that chest rings just amplify the results of bad body position, but that's a different discussion). It seems to me that this added independence and flex would increase the responsiveness to harness input. I doubt it makes much difference, though. Just losening your chest strap would probably have more effect. Again, this is just my speculation.


Like a giddy school girl.

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well you know that I have a crossfire 2 111 with my javelin both hip and chest rings.. unfortunately I cant tell you how it flies yet cause its getting assembled!
this space for rent.

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