
VCR to Premiere through firewire...?

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Is there an easy way to get video into Premiere from my VCR using my PC120 as an intermediary?

Do I have to record to DV, then import, or is there a way I can grab the analog signal off the VCR without first recording to DV?



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I think the only way to get into premiere with out converting to digital is with a video card that supports analog capture. The ATI all in wonder is a low end card capable of this. You probably dont want to get another video card...

You can recorder to your pc120 via the composite cable from your vcr, then just capture via firewire to premiere as you would with footage that you've shot.
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"Is there an easy way to get video into Premiere from my VCR using my PC120 as an intermediary?"

Not really.

"Do I have to record to DV, then import, or is there a way I can grab the analog signal off the VCR without first recording to DV? "

Thats about it, unless you have an analogue to DV convertor or 'bridge' like a dazzle or similar. Or an analogue card with decent capture resolution....
Pug the video into your cam, pop open a cool one and let them do their stuff. Whilst enjoying your cool one, use the opportunity to log the footage, and prepare your edit decision lists...Maybe even try out some diferent choonz to see how they flow together.

You will of course suffer 'generation loss' from the VCR to the cam, but that's inevitable.

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That should be doable with any miniDV/Digital8 camera with 'Analog-In'...

Don't know about other cams, but for a PC-9 enable 'Analog->DV' in one of the menues, plug your VCR into the analog port, your PC into the firewire port, start capturing and VCR, et voilá!

And no, you don't have to record while capturing.

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