
Still Camera Mounting

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I recently mounted my still with a stroboframe and afterward, I thought, Why didn't I just use a thumbscew?

The camera is still basically mounted by just a thumbscrew when you use a stroboframe, so why not go for the lower profile single screw and some cork or a little alluminum piece on top to keep your camera pointing in the right direction?

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Without seeing your set up it would be difficult for me to guess why you would have done what you have done, but on my set up . . . well, there's always the convience of being able to remove it quickly!

I mean, I certainly don't need to jump $2500 worth of still camera on every jump and on the few special events I do need to wear it every jump for several days at a time, I need access to the battery compartment on the bottom of the camera on a daily basis.

I'm jumping a Bonehead BatRak and in order to have access to the thumbscrew (as in your hypothetical) I would have to remove several other hex screws first. Besides being a pain in the ass, this would also jepardize the alignment of the cameras to the ring sight.

Beyond that, Stroboframe has a really nifty accessory called an anti-twist plate that works far better than any cork plate at keeping the camera straight.

Also, there are times when you'll want your camera for other photos at the dz and you'll want to be able to remove it from the helmet very quickly. I can take my camera on a jump with me and just a few minutes later have it attached to a strobe bracket for portraits or landing shots and then get on the next load and shoot stills again.

So anyway, for me, the Stroboframe is kind of a no brainer.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Sounds like a stroboframe would definately be the choice for you. I have a 2k FF2, which is like an Optic. All I'd have to do to detach the camera if I used a thumbscrew would be pull the top pad out and unscrew it. The stroboframe is quicker, but kinda snagadelic when no camera is attached. Does anyone have their still attached with just a thumbscrew, if so how do you like it? Also, do you have any other securing devices on it besides the screw?

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I went through the same thought process when setting my helmet up.
I have to agree that the ease of removal is well worth the price of the mount. Then again I shoot between 5-10 rolls a day and have to also change batteries sometimes on the ride to altitude.

Plus it is the lowest profile if that is also a concern.

I got mine from B & H becasue it was the cheaspest at the time.
( http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bh2.sph/FrameWork.class?FNC=ProductActivator__Aproductlist_html___52735___STQRC___REG___CatID=0___SID=F4A4437AE50)


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