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For Sale: *Javelin J-3, Spectre 170, PD 160, Cypres... Only 200 jumps!*
Awesome beginner to intermediate rig, only 200 jumps on complete system!! Javelin J-3 container, newest model, harness size C-17, dom Sept. 98 (black and red). Spectre 170 main, dom Sept. 98 (jade, blackberry, yellow). PD 160 reserve, never used, dom Dec. 98 (light blue). Cypres AAD expert installed Jan. 02, never used. Includes monkey fist collapsable pilot chute, collapsable slider, and all paperwork on canopies. Excellent condition, bright white lines, totally freefly-friendly. $3800. Selling to downsize. Please email for pictures or extra info.

Does this seem reasonable... does 200 jumps on complete system maybe mean that there is more jumps on the main but since the system was put together its only had 200 jumps. Any other thoughts?? I'm looking at this maybe being my first rig once I qualify - assuming he's willing to wait til/if I pass aff aand consuls etc. I'm looking around now because I figure Ill have enough to think about once i get to Sebastian on wednesday, but wont buy til I pass. (I'm 5'9" 164 lbs clothed, no injuries and fit)

"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."

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"200 jumps on complete system" - to me, means that every component has less then 200 jumps, including the main.

It's a decent price. Very similar to my first rig, and $200 cheaper.

The size of the main and reserve all both reasonable for your exit weight, the reserve is a bit smaller then I would prefer, though.

I also have a J-3 with a 17 inch harness, but I'm a lot heavier then you. I would worry that the harness is too big.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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That's a nice rig. I wouldn't pay more than $3500 for it though. Figuring excellent condition on all and harness rings on the container with 200 jumps on it I'd price the container at about $1000, main at about $1000, reserve at about $750 and Cypres about $750.

The harness might be bit big for you though. What's your inseam measurement (crotch to floor, or the length of jeans you buy)?

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32" waist and 32" leg measurement for my jeans. Could the harness be adjusted by a rigger?? Only reason I ask is it is a real problem to find the right size harness and canopies in the same rig atm!!

"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."

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Going by the "estimate" formula I got from Sunpath, I think it may fit you fine. The formula is height in inches minus inseam minus 20; 69" - 32" - 20 = 17.

I would ask that the seller be willing to take it back if it doesn't fit you, but based on the above I'd guess it's pretty close to perfect.

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Thankyou fo rthe help so far! Does this sound reasonable then... I'll wait til I complete AFF and see if the guy will come to Seb from Orlando and I get the rigger to check it before I buy. I'm not sure what the normal routine is before buying. Should I see if he'll let me jump it or at the very least try it on first before i buy?

"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."

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Should I see if he'll let me jump it or at the very least try it on first before i buy?

If he can come to where you are, definitely try it on before handing over the cash. Jump it if you can, but he may be leery of handing it to you to jump if you haven't already jumped the same size main - one bad landing can take hundreds of dollars off the value of the container, so it may be a "you biff it, you bought it" kind of thing.

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Another option would be to ask one of the local instructors or coaches - who normally jumps a similar-sized Spectre - to do a couple of test jumps on the used canopy to ensure that it is airworthy.

And yes, definitely ask a trusted local rigger to do a full inspection.

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I have a concern regarding the canopy.

According to PD's website, you would be placed in the Advanced catagory with your exit weight. With your weight at 164 lbs and 20 lbs of gear you should be looking at a 190-210 Spectre.

Don't want to sound like a Canopy Nazi but with less than 10 jumps (you haven't finished AFF yet) you should look for something a little bigger. Also the reserve would fall into the same Advanced catagory.


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Fair point!! Dont consider you a canopy Nazi ... just wanna get sound advice B|.
I appreciate its a big and continuous learning curve, but my intention wouldn't be to jump this til I was completeing fs1 which would hopefully be towards then end of my 2nd week, mid third or possibly end of third but dont know how many jumps I would have made by that stage, it may still be unwise.

"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."

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Why don't you give Roy at rigs&things down in Florida, or go to his web site www.para-service.com. You can get a complete brand new system for that price and have it custom made and colors too. My brother bought a complete rig last year for 3500. Came with a Wings container, Triathlon main, Tempo reserve and a Cypress! I'm going to order a wings container from him in the next day or two, as soon as I can figure out what colors I want. Good luck and shop around!

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I will agrre that Ray is great. However, I think that the quality of the spectre and the PD reserve is better. That is an opinion. I have the same system with 600 jumps on it loaded at 1.15:1. It was good for me with 40 jumps doing straight ins. It was good at 150 doing double fronts and good at 300 doing 90 front riser turns. I was also good at 5-600 doing 180s. I still can get good preformance out of it.
I think that the spectre has much more range in preformance than the Triathalon.

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Thanks for the hint Roy and I are locked in manic wrangling to try and get a rig available before I leave the US on 7 April so I dont have to pay customs!! The price for a new rig has worked out very reasonable, considering the price of the above second hand one and the other second hand adds Ive seen floating around. I may only have it for 100 -200 jumps potentially but given that rigs of this size are like rocking horse shit in the Uk and that prices are slightly higher here I dont think ill make that big a loss on it. You have all been most helpful thanksB|

P.S. the owner on that add never did get back to me either :(

"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."

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The words 'rocking horse s**t' and 'scare as...' come to mind - in no particular order, when describing the UK used rig market. As well as expensive if you're anything but exactly 'average'. If anyones moving over here, bring a rig or ten. You'll make some jump money and we'll save some! B|

oh...and bring the nice weather while you're at it!

Ex-University of Bristol Skydiving Club

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Cool the owner got back to me today..... only problem is now I got two choices the above or

Wings container/Tria main/Smart Reserve.... but with the added wait time cos its new!

Oh the pain of the dilema [:/]

"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."

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