
I don't like the focusing method of my new 10D

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It doesn't have spot focusing. I'm really used to my Nikon N90S, and I really liked it.

This 10D has focusing points in the screen and it seems like the camera chooses where to focus. I wish I could choose the focusing point.

Otherwise, it's pretty intuitive, the way it operates, and it's very fast for a digital camera. Feels good in the hand. That 20mm lens is pretty freaking big, too.

I'll get it in the air this weekend, and we'll see how much more I like it.


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If it's like the Rebel or Elan series you should be able to select which focus point it uses. The Elan 7e actually reads your eye movement and uses the coorisponding focus point. I have a Rebel TI and can manually choose one of the 7 focus points. Otherwise the camera chooses for you. Check your manual.

Skydive Radio

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You're not going to get far without reading the MANUAL!!!

Oh geeze, does I gotta learn ya everything?!?

For a quick/cheap/easy description . . . GO HERE.

Well, actually, that's not so easy of a description -- huh? Anyway, read the manual. One of the 10D's improvements over the D60 is a better and faster auto-focus system.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Neat! I just got the lens and CF card yesterday, and I'm still exploring it.

OK, DER! Picking the focus point is actually much cooler that the limitations to the center of the screen that the Nikon had. If I was using autofocus on tandems, I'd choose the one at the top of the screen, cause that's where the tandem focus point usually is. Man, oh, man. This thing's got more computing power than the Space Shuttle, well, that's not saying much...


Oh geeze, does I gotta learn ya everything?!?

Well, no. But I sure 'preciate it! :P

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Ah, crap, I gotta read the whole manual, not just the little brochure with the pictures?:P

HMMM, I think SOMEONE (STOMP STOMP) told me something similar once, I wonder who that could be?;):D When in dooubt...RTFB
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Hey, guys, I just got the thing Wednesday. Well I had the camera body before that, but without a media card and lens it's not much fun.

First day to fly it is tomorrow, I've got to solder up the connection to the camera. It just feels wrong to buy a fancy switch for $50, then cut off the switch part and throw it away. It's more like $50 for the connector...

I'm up to page 80 in the manual. There is an awful lot of potential to do very fancy stuff with exposure and color. Kind of like electronic filters. I think I read Quade as saying leave the original photo alone, and do the digital modifications on copies.

As I've said, I'm no photographic artist, I'm a mechanic. If my exposures' go from absolute white to absolute black, and are framed right, Bueno!

The concession owner at my DZ is seriously thinking of going all digital, so I'm psyched about that. My only concern is that our flyers on a shoestring budget might get X'd out by the cost of this gear, and I don't think we're going to be able to raise prices much to offset sinking so much into equipment. But with the elimination of the need to purchase film, maybe we can get a bigger cut.

I'll get some photo's this weekend, and post them.

Oh, it's got something like "anticipatory auto focus" so it tracks moving objects and forcasts where they're going to be and then focuses there when you shoot. Sounds fantastic for swooping. Josh Hill has some great swooping shots on his site, he uses a 10D or a D60. Really cool.


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