
Pentax bite switch?

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Just got an older Pentax zx5 that I'm trying to set up on my helmet. I've looked through the archives, but I can't find much info on setting up a pentax. A few questions I hope some of you can help me with;
Will the bite switches I see advertised work with this camera? It looks like a 3 prong conection on the camera body. If not, what do folks do to get a remote switch?
Also, what lens should I order for it? I think a 28mm is common, but not sure. Are there different brands to avoid, or does it really matter?
Do I really need a ring site?
I plan to shoot tandems. Any help I can get will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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I use a ZX-10 (when I use film, rare now)... It has worked well using the Conseptus bite switch... You will have to play with the wires to figure out which two need to go together since the plug is a 3-wire and the switch is a 2-wire, but it will work. I know some other folks that have used blow switches with Pentax before too...

As for the lens, I use a 28mm... if you fly further away you could use a 35mm... if you fly very close, you could use a 24mm... but the 28 is a good start.

Finnaly, if you plan to do camera for money (student or team stuff) buy a ring site. You will not be taken seriously if you don't have one... or you will have to spend alot more jumps proving that you don't need one...

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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Thank you both. I will order a bite switch and get it to work. How do you make the connection? Solder or something else? I guess if you solder, then you will forever have a switch attached to your camera, is this correct? Also, is a f2.8 the right 28mm lens?

Sorry if I sound like a dummy. The whole camera thing is totally Greek to me. I know in a few months these questions will seem as basic to me as they probably do to you.
I'm getting a site. I barely get taken seriously as it is now!

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The f2.8 is the one I have...

As for the switch, get a Pentax remote, cut the end that plugs into the camera off about 8" from the end... get some RCA plugs... After figuring out which wires need to go together, solder one RCA plug (either the male or female) to the bite switch and the opposite plug to the remote cable... plug them together somewhere inside your helmet, preferably a place that does not get touched very much by your head or hands.

The RCA plugs allow you to switch cameras easily and without re-wiring the switch.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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