
Ok this suck's (Any idea')

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Instead of doing just what I tell everyone to do, (Send your camera to sony for repairs) My friend suggested a company in state, that he had dealt with and could get my camera fixed in the hurry I needed. So off it went. They failed to repair it, and sent it back free of charge, something to do with needing a program to reprogram my board. So off to sony it goes, they send it back saying they wont touch it, here is why:

My camera had gaffers tape to cover any possible entry point for moisture. When the other shop removed the tape to open it, the gaffer's tape stuck to my Serial Number and pulled it off, they then threw the tape away. Now I have a camera with no serial number's, and Sony wont touch it without Sn#'s
I have asked the person I bought it from to try and find the box, or any record of reciept's and he said they are long gone. So now Im stuck with a Camera I cant get fixed. I wish Sony would have hard engraved some SN# somewhere, a little sticker is just stupid. Anyone have any Ideas on how to get my pc-5 fixed?

Small and fast what every girl dreams of!

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Well, until you get some kind of number on there to make Sony change their mind keep looking for another shop to repair it. Just because the first shop couldn't do it doesn't mean others can't. Even if you have to send it to BFE and it takes awhile, it will be fixed and Sony can cram the serial # in their arse.


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I am about to send a PC-5 in for repairs. If you can't find one somewhere else, maybe you could "borrow" the sticker off of this one, when it gets back.

Great idea, but I think that if you just sent your camera in they will be a little suspicious that it got returned so fast. Maybe someone else out there has a PC-5 serial# I can Borrow. Pm me if you do.

Small and fast what every girl dreams of!

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Tu eres un genio, Cajones!

Si, si, me gusta tacos y burritos....

alternatively, have you considered using homeowners/anyotherkindof insurance that migh cover it? Sony "service" really seems to suck. :( I have a PC-101 that's just out of warranty with the LCD screen issue. Pretty sure I have mine covered though ;)

Hook high, flare on time

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