
Service Charge Poll 4-way UPDATED!

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This is the first in a series of rate polls I'll be doing just to see what folks are getting and to see if there's some calibration we can do across the board.

What I'm interested in finding out is what you currently cite as your rates for services.

In the above poll, I define a "Pick-up" as a group that you're not normally associated with that approaches you to shoot for them and a "Team" as a group that you may be associated with on a regular basis and may have cut a deal with for an entire season of jumping.

An "Away" meet is one that requires travel, food & lodging beyond what you'd normally have to deal with in your normal day of jumping. For the purposes of this discussion, let's call it more than 2 hours of travel by car. For instance, for a team normally based at Perris, Eloy would be considered an Away meet, but Elsinore would not. Nationals at Lake Wales would be considered an Away meet for anyone outside of Florida.

I've reposted this poll to reflect that some folks may not charge anything whatsoever, or just slot or just slot + pack jobs or for folks with rates higher than $15 per jump. Please recast your vote and vote for all that currently apply to you.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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[Strongbad voice]
I dunno man, seems to be workin' pretty good for me. Maybe there's not enough computer in your computer. Check in with The Cheat. He's got some kinda good computer.
[/Strongbad voice]


Beats me why you're not seeing the poll. It's working fine for me and at at least a couple of other folks have already responded, so it must be working for them too.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Team video 4way, 8way, 10way ect. The going rate is $15. If I have to travel I want a minimum # of jumps and somewhere to sleep. If it's real far I want a plane ticket. The only time a deal is acceptable is if you are a member of a Team. If a team is too cheap or cant find a fulltime cameraman they have to pay one way or the other. There is one team in particular that I bet wishes they had a 4way videographer for national's, and not a freeflyer with a camera.

That said these rates are for quality videographer's, you cant really charge full price if you cant get the exit and keep falling on the team. True beginner's should film for slot, until they pick it up enough to get the exit's, and then charge, but refuse payment if they NJ the team, ESPECIALLY in a competition.
Good point to think of :Pay peanuts get monkeys!

Small and fast what every girl dreams of!

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Team video 4way, 8way, 10way ect. The going rate is $15.

And yet I continue to hear, over and over, how inexpensive people can get camera flyers for in Florida.

For instance, last year I had a team complain that the rates folks were charging at Perris were too high. They said that at the rates we were charging it would be more economically feasible for them to fly in camera flyers from Florida since those camera flyers were only charging slot+$8 and over the course of a 4-day training camp that would cover airfare.

I, of course, invited them to try to find anyone that would be willing to do that and never heard a word about it after that. ;)
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I don't video for serious teams.. only throw together groups and those that are just out having fun for a weekend.

I am content as a hog in mud if I ever get my slot picked up, I don't ask for any money at all ever. If they toss in the pack job too then WOOHOO (I pack my own so its a mute point)! I could care less if I get paid or not, I was going to get out of the plane anyways right? If it takes someone paying me to jump then I've always told myself that I'll need to find a new sport.

I feel really guilty about make a skydive $5 more expensive for some people that just want to go have some fun. I'd feel really guilty if I was charging them up to $40 as a team or $10 per person. The deal we normally try to work with the DZ is that instead of giving a deep team rate they pay full price, but video gets to jump for free. With slots running at $20 around here that saves a lot of money to the teams.

But then again I'm one of those does things around the DZ and for the DZ and I never expect any type of payment. I've videoed tandems for free just since they need people on the video list for one jump and stuff. Its not about the money... its about the fun for me.

Even the guy at my DZ filming the team only asks for his slot and some beer at the end of the day.
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I have been on this site with 3 different computers, running 3 different operating systems from 3 different locations and none show polls.

Could there be somthing in profile settings that would effect this?


This is going to sound like "are you sure you have gas in the tank," but I guess it's better to answer the simple questions first: Are you making sure that you scroll all the way up to the top of the page?

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first I connot see the pool .... and sound weird becuse been able to seen other in the past

oki , I jumping with a team and they train for national, they pay me jump+pack but i'm a member f the team , for other there a cost of jump+pack+20$ can.

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Team video 4way, 8way, 10way ect. The going rate is $15.

And yet I continue to hear, over and over, how inexpensive people can get camera flyers for in Florida.

For instance, last year I had a team complain that the rates folks were charging at Perris were too high. They said that at the rates we were charging it would be more economically feasible for them to fly in camera flyers from Florida since those camera flyers were only charging slot+$8 and over the course of a 4-day training camp that would cover airfare.

I, of course, invited them to try to find anyone that would be willing to do that and never heard a word about it after that. ;)

I haven't missed a Fsl meet in 3 year's. And I also have never filmed less than 2 team's per meet. For some reason 4way teams don't or won't find a fulltime cameraman, so they train and hope to find someone for competition's. A lot of "Videographer's" I know are considering upping the rates for competitions, but it wont happen, just bs chit chat. I remember a meet last year where there was 15 teams and 5 cameramen, I was joking out loud saying lets start the bidding who gets video and who goes home, but we worked it out and everyone jumped.
But I like to think I know most of the 4way videographers in florida, at least the current ones, and no one I know will jump for less than $15 unless they are on a fulltime team. You have to enjoy 4way and competition to do it, it is a lot easier to film 3 tandems and go home, and make just as much money.
In Deland there is so many Good cameramen, even the people that just pass at it charge $15 because they can get it, and giving a deal is only taking money out of your own pocket, and it pisses people off.

Changing the subject, It does bother me that the FSL doesn't recognize the service we provide to them, without all of us filming 2 teams and busting our asses to make it work, while they make mistakes and manifest both of the teams you are filming on the same load, or give you surprise back to backs, when you are supposed to be on a 20, then they get mad when you are late to the plane or dont have time to dub. Without videographer's there would be no FSL or NSL, some credit would be greatly appreciated. I still have an Email I recieved telling me how insignifigant videographers are. Like I said before when you have 30 tandems come in on the weekend and you can make a lot more why would you give that up to film 6, 4way jumps in a day for $90 when you can do 5 tandem's for $250, unless you enjoy competition, and also want to help make the meet happen. Thats why we have competitions when we have 10 videographers on the Dz and 6 teams without cameramen and the 3 that will do a team have to do 2 team's. Some credit would be nice, a thankyou even, especially when we contribute so much to make the meet happen, without Video there is no Competition.

Small and fast what every girl dreams of!

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I don't video for serious teams.. only throw together groups and those that are just out having fun for a weekend.

I am content as a hog in mud if I ever get my slot picked up, I don't ask for any money at all ever. If they toss in the pack job too then WOOHOO (I pack my own so its a mute point)! I could care less if I get paid or not, I was going to get out of the plane anyways right? If it takes someone paying me to jump then I've always told myself that I'll need to find a new sport.

I feel really guilty about make a skydive $5 more expensive for some people that just want to go have some fun. I'd feel really guilty if I was charging them up to $40 as a team or $10 per person. The deal we normally try to work with the DZ is that instead of giving a deep team rate they pay full price, but video gets to jump for free. With slots running at $20 around here that saves a lot of money to the teams.

But then again I'm one of those does things around the DZ and for the DZ and I never expect any type of payment. I've videoed tandems for free just since they need people on the video list for one jump and stuff. Its not about the money... its about the fun for me.

Even the guy at my DZ filming the team only asks for his slot and some beer at the end of the day.

I understand your point, heck thats how I get my start, but if a team comes in with the intent to train hard and do 100 jumps in 10 day's, or even 200 jumps in 14 day's, then your working. You are giving up your time, using your expensive equipment, and not to mention the Money you spent learning how to fly a camera. Its a job then. If there is a weekend team that does 6 jumps a month then go for it have your fun, as long as your there hanging out, but If you have to schedule your weekend around filming someone then you should charge them, because you are providing a service to them. With professional team's they want a certain quality with their video, that is why Rickster Powell is one of the most requested videographers out there, he always gets the shot.
As far as shooting Tandems for free your only cheating yourself, because the Dz is charging them, and instead of them paying you, they are keeping the Money. Im not knocking you for it, or taking a shot at you, but where I jump things are a lot diferent, Teams get free video and real cheap slots as long as they do a lot of jump's, that usually means teams saving up and scheduling camp's where they jump their asses off, Free Video slot turns in to $-18 for them and $+15 for you. And no one from my dz is going to thank you for shooting free video, Not the owner's, not the Staff. Maybe the team you shoot for, oh yeah of course they will thank you. I would if I was them!

Small and fast what every girl dreams of!

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Thats a difference between the DZ's with serious teams and the teams around here. The team at my DZ might do 10 team jumps in a weekend, and the season is only 6-8 months. They are'nt going for open or advanced class. Heck anything over about 10 points on an intermediate jump is a step up for one of the teams. Tunnel time is a dream for them.

Since I condsider all the jumpers to be close friends I look at it as one of the things friends do for each other. My friends don't expect more then a case or two of beer for helping me move, and thats a heck of a lot less fun then jumping is.

The DZ does things with the excess money that is left around, a few dozen pizza's showing up is always nice. Its more of a club then it is a business. Most the jumpers carry more then their share of the weight. I guess thats a major difference too... the club jumpers hate to look as skydiving as a business, it nothing but an escape for us.
Yesterday is history
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My concerns are about copy rights to the video i shot. when we get paid by some body else and we DO NOT have a written agreement then the copy right's are not fully our's. shot some thing that might be worth money and you might not be able to sell it. hard core team's that want a full time videographer should cover the video guy and always do. but ill also do slots for pick up teams because i know that allot of these folks are as poor as me and i might get some good video and 10-15 seconds of usable (for editing) video is a huge payment in it's self. i guess it come's down to what you consider money. i also like bartering for services as payment. neon skys. http://homepage.mac.com/rsnyder21016/Menu6.html

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I know how to scroll up. I am at the top of the page and I see nothing.

FYI I am a former computer tech.

Didn't mean to offend you. Since you are a computer tech you've probably had somebody make a stupid mistake like not plugging the computer in. Just making sure all of the bases were covered.

So moving on... What browsers (including versions) have you tried viewing the polls with?

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Thanks for the info, Ray.

The comparo to tandems is very on-point. 6 tandems is slot plus $210. Very fun, we've got a dubber, after pack jobs I'm outta there with $175.

I'm only now getting to the point, with aircraft type experience, etc., that I would consider asking ticket plus $20. Word gets out eventually, and you get people asking you to film RW. I'm doing a camp later next month for ticket plus pack job only. But there's a lot of budding teams in there, and it'll probably generate some work down the road.

Hey, the first fix is always free;)

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We've got a few 4-way teams at my home DZ, and they are all weekend teams. Depending on the team, they'll do between 50 to 150 jumps per year training, plus meets. I've got enough experience doing 4-way video that I could charge the going rate, but IMHO, unless your working (and that is the operative word) for a professional team, $15+slot is a little high. Include the pack job, and I think it's out of line. Feel free to disagree.

However, that said, I'm not all that altruistic. The digital equipment, video tapes, 35mm film and such do need to be paid for. And I make a point to make sure that the team who engages me NEVER has to deal with worries about the video. I'm at the plane on time, the video is dubbed to the team machine, or ready for viewing and cued before they have time to undress, and each team member gets a tape at the end of the season if they ask for it. Most important of all, I get the shot. However, the occaisonal video glitch does happen. Once or twice a year, I've never been able to get rid of those.:$

Also, when I commit to the team, I fully commit. They come first, then other video RW dives, then fun dives. Meaning fun dives for me, although I have fun on every dive anyway....

And as pointed out, one could make more money doing tandems, but I enjoy this kind of video more. I've never grown tired of 4-way, probably never will.
Mike Ashley
Canadian A-666

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If I'm doing a "Woody-way" or a fun jump of some kind, I'm happy to just go for slot and beer. Team jumps are slot and $10.

Since I rarely allow anyone else to pack my gear, the pack job is never an issue. Call me old school, but I really don't like other people touching my stuff. On the other hand, I haven't had a malfunction on any of my last three canopies in 18 years and almost 3000 jumps.

Of course, I've probably just jinxed myself.
Mike Ashley
Canadian A-666

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