
Really important information about CompactFlash cards.

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Compactflash is not created equal. I was going to buy a card that would have been way too slow for my needs.

So true. I demo´d a 2nd hand Canon D30 from a store near our DZ. Shot 200 pics with it in a couple of hours (okay, so, :S;)). When I decided I wanted to buy it, I found out I had been using a Ultra Compact Flash 256. I tried my own reg´lar 128, no good. I can take pics, but not at the full 2.5 fps. So I traded my digital snapcam in for that card.

Right now I´m handicapped since that CF card is broken >:( It has warranty on it so I suppose I´ll get it back eventually..... (Been 2 weeks so far.) But I miss my card!!!!! [:/]

ciel bleu,

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Be careful about what cards you get there are Type I, Type II and I believe Type III cards that aren't necessarily compatible with every camera.
My boss had a IBM microdrive fry in his Fuji SLR... He wasn't to happy about that to say the least and told me to never buy a microdrive.[:/]

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