
D60 Remote / Tongue Switch

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I'm setting setting up my remote shutter release on the D60. I know one wire is suppose to activate the auto-focus and one is the actual release. Anybody know which of the 3 wires to splice to the 2 wires on a tongue switch? I heard you can fry the camera if the wrong wires are spliced.


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Oh. Glad I didn't know that, cause I just shorted them until I got what I wanted. It didn't fry my 10D, I think they're almost the same. Q will be back online later probably, and he's a responsible adult.

Ignore me. Much safer.


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I suppose anything is possible, but I don't think you'll fry the electronics. They -should- be fully buffered against this, but, um, don't hold me liable if the thing blows up!

I believe the wires in my switch for the trigger were the red and white, but when you get the switch, disassemble the switch and look inside. It should be fairly obvious.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Well, mine did not blow up when I just experimented with them... maybe I got lucky and got it right on the first try;)... without breaking open my switch, I'm not sure which combination I used... I may have left the 3rd wire out of the mix all together.


All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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