
PC101 - New user - recommendations?

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I just bought a PC101 and intend using it (eventually) while skydiving. Im still only on 75 jumps, so it may be a few months yet, before I use it, but Im looking for any recommendations (or 'gotchas') from the more experienced users around here.
I dont yet have a helmet to mount it on (I bought it early to use for other things!) so that would be a good start. Any thoughts on mountings?, battery types?, tapes?, sights?.
What about using it with other gear like mixers etc?

Are there any shortcomings of this camera that new users ought to know about?

Thanks in advance.

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Mounting depends on your helmet, I have an N-vertigo with a Bonehead case for my PC 101. I rather have a RAWA helmet. I really don't like ring sight cuz of the risk of entanglement use manual focus and put duck tape on the ring sight, zoom out all the way, I also use a Diamond .3 lens for free fly. Tape use the one with memory recomended by Sony, the rest is just play with the camera, Add transitions etc, mixers I use Mac to edit my video burn a DVD or just plain back to the video cam and to VHS tape. You will find more info on this forum.


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Thanks for that info.

I have a 'normal' Z1 helmet (which I like) and was considering getting one with a camera mount. I will try and find someone already using one and get their opinions.
Someone else just told me that its now mandatory in France to have a quick-release chinstrap on camera helmets, so thats something else I have to factor in while choosing, as thats where I do most of my jumping.
What software do you use on the MAC?
Thanks again for the tips.

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Someone else just told me that its now mandatory in France to have a quick-release chinstrap on camera helmets, so thats something else I have to factor in while choosing, as thats where I do most of my jumping

true since march 03, but I'm not sure that this is relevent for foreigners jumping in France with an FAI license... check this out with the french federation: ffp@ffp.asso.fr

Minimu required to jump a video is B2 license and 100+ jumps
if you want to video tandems: C license minimum (that is 200+ jumps)

If you have the ffp license, then it's valid for you too...


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There is no min in the US, but it's generally accepted that 200 ish jumps is a good idea.

I have 400 and I'm still nervous when I put a camera on.

Edit: we actually had one guy at our dz to put a camera on 1st jump off student status. Everyone has told him that this is a VERY bad idea, but what can you do other than that?

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Everyone has told him that this is a VERY bad idea, but what can you do other than that?

Have the DZO talk to him.

On safety day is was suggested that we institute a minimum number of jumps to fly camera here. He shot that down. I can try again I guess.

Edited to add: Our DZO may not have been aware of this extreme case. I'll say something.

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What is the reasoning for number of jumps. Does it make a difference if you are using a system fully enclosed or one with huge great exposed bits of camera gear / sights the whole shabang.

My reasoning is you have more do deal with if you have a malfunction.
You will end up pulling low and landing off dz(happens to almost everyone)
You have to be the best skydiver on the jump (fly and get good video)
You must stand up you landings (biffing with a couple of pounds strapped to you head in bound to hurt.

All of the above is just me. Not saying anyone can't do it, but that's how I feel.

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USPA now lists some recommendations in the SIM for camera flying (Sec 6.8). It's not a BSR, but it recommends a D license (plus some other stuff).

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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