
New SkyDive Photo/Video Site

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Looking for the good bad and ugly about my site. I'm updating the video section more than the photos right now but starting to have problems being creative.


looking to see what people have to say and open to suggestions.


thanks in advance.


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Are you still updating the section on the "people of your dz"?

I removed it temporarily and quite frankly am kind of sorry I started the project. It's not really a bad idea, in that you can always look at the photos to put a name with a face, but it's absolutely amazing the amount of grief it causes. I had one guy that wanted me to take his photo again because he wasn't wearing the right rig -- sponsorship deal. And that's just the easiest example.

In reality, I'll probably go back to working on it at some point. I mean, I shoot portraits of people at the DZ pretty frequently, so there's no lack of subject matter.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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a great idea for the sake of art and documenting that gets in the way of egos and others perception.

I really liked it. I hope to see something in the future. It was orginal and captured one of the most unique elements of skydiving. The people.

helped me put a name with the face.

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