
New Dropzone.com Galleries

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I've just completed setting up the new Dropzone Galleries. There are quite a few enhancements (choosing how many thumbnails to view, sorting by hits/rates/name/date etc) but the most significant is probably that every Dropzone.com user now has their own personal gallery.

Log in to the galleries once and your own directory will automatically be created under the Personal Galleries section. Under that you can create as many sub-directories as you wish to organize your photos. Upload directly from your browser and the script will size the images and create the thumbnails for you. You'll be able to move, rename and delete photos at any time as long as you log in first.

Read the FAQs for more information!

To prevent people from abusing the system (this was intended for skydiving related images!) all photos will be approved before they are posted publicly. Viking has kindly agreed to help me moderate the galleries.

Can't wait to see your photos.... have fun! :)
Safe swoops

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