
Digital Camera

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ahhh, you mean for a bite switch, I will ahve to check into it. Other than that it seems like a good camera?!?


Well, I use a tongue switch, but yes. Without a remote release it will be useless on a helmet. 5 megapixels is good resolution, yes.

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:)resolution... It is labeled as a 5 mega pixel camera...
I also bought a hewlett packard Photosmart printer...
the printer has a small screen on it, and can read any type of media card..... It can work with or without the computer,,, and last weekend I used it as a stand alone printer.... Most folks at the DZ were
in agreement that the prints were very sharp and
even an 8 by 10.. print came out good.... The camera has an accessory jack,, but my conceptus switch would not fire it.... I ordered a sony hand held pendant switch...2 days ago I hope I have it soon.. It has a 59 inch long lead, and the pendant allows you to zoom or wide angle the telephoto, and also allows you to fire the shutter...... we'll see how it works.....I will have to run the cable down my sleeve,,, and deal with plugging it in, prior to donning the helmet... but that should not be too much of a problem..... the pendant has a clip on it which I hope can attach to my swoop cord as it runs across my palm...
I was planning to replace my Canon Eos, with the DscV1... but then figured out a way to mount BOTH
of them...B|... I also have a VX -1000 and a Trv-20 so this will make 4,,,, FOUR lenses. looking out from atop my helmet.... hahaha ( people have been asking me for years,,, " can you fit ANOTHER camera on there??""".... and I always thought,,, No... but I was wrong!!!!!! I did fit another... hahahha...\
I just love the idea, of shooting as many images as I want, ( 256 mb memory stick ) ( in fact if you DON'T fire the shutter frequently the camera will "turn itself off",,, which is bad bad,, if it happens on climbout,,,) so power up and fire frequently......... Freefall shots,,, soon.....
Dsc V1 about 650$$$.... HP printer 265$$$$... the smiles on the faces of the subjects,,,,well worth it!!!!
It may or may not be sensible as a primary camera but for my set up,,, I Think it's small size will be an asset.......:| :)

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power on power off, with indicator light B|
wide zoom telephoto zoom, but w/out indicator. ( the camera takes about 5 seconds to complete it's range, so a proportionate amount of zoom, can get what range you may want.) Then it has a photo/shutter release and another button for video
which the camera can do in short bursts, if you use a big memory stick.......I'll try it this weekend:ph34r:

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